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[英]How can I update the info inside a mapbox without reloading the figure in plotly dash

I'm using plotly's dash to try and build a simple dashboard which contains two widgets - a graph and a map (based on mapbox). 我正在使用plotly的破折号来尝试构建一个简单的仪表板,其中包含两个小部件-图形和地图(基于mapbox)。 The graph data points and the locations on the map are connected to each other and i'd like to highlight the relevant dot on the map when a user's mouse hovers over the relevant point on the graph. 图形数据点和地图上的位置相互连接,当用户的鼠标悬停在图形上的相关点上时,我想突出显示地图上的相关点。

I've tried using dash's callbacks with the following layout: 我试过使用破折号的回调与以下布局:

app = dash.Dash()
app.layout = html.Div(children=[
    html.H1(children='Hello Dash'),

        Dash: A web application framework for Python.
    ''', id='xxx'),




And the following callback: 和以下回调:

    Output('example-map', 'figure'),
    [Input('example-graph', 'hoverData')])

def display_hover_data(hoverData):
    figure = app.layout['example-map'].figure
    return figure

Note that I realize that I should remove old highlighted dots - but that's not the point here. 请注意,我意识到我应该删除旧的高亮点-但这不是重点。

This does the trick but requires the constant reloading of the mapbox figure which ruins the user experience. 这可以解决问题,但需要不断重新加载mapbox图形,这会破坏用户体验。 What I would like is just change the traces in the map without reloading the entire figure. 我想要的只是更改地图中的迹线而无需重新加载整个图形。

I've tried using the mydcc module which allows updating the data only without reloading the entire figure, but it still works slow when having thousands of traces on the map. 我尝试使用mydcc模块,该模块仅允许更新数据而无需重新加载整个图形,但是当在地图上有成千上万条迹线时,它仍然运行缓慢。

I was wondering if there is anyway to overcome this issues? 我想知道是否还有克服这些问题的方法? I'm also open to using other similar python based technologies. 我也愿意使用其他类似的基于python的技术。

You can make custom component based on Graph from dash core components and modify plotly hover event handler to send ajax request and get new point. 您可以从仪表板核心组件中基于Graph创建自定义组件,并修改绘图悬停事件处理程序以发送Ajax请求并获取新点。

gd.on('plotly_hover', (eventData) => {
    const hoverData = filterEventData(gd, eventData, 'hover');
    if (!isNil(hoverData)) {
        // get data and redraw plot
        ajax_update_plot(id, hoverData); 

        if (setProps) setProps({hoverData});
        if (fireEvent) fireEvent({event: 'hover'})

In ajax_update_plot retrieve data from server using regular AJAX way and update plot with updated data. 在ajax_update_plot中,使用常规AJAX方式从服务器检索数据,并使用更新后的数据更新图。

// get new point and add it to the graph
Plotly.addTraces(id, point);

Check the function declaration in documentation for addTraces 检查文档中的函数声明中是否存在addTraces

Yes, I realize that my solution is far from Dash natural way. 是的,我意识到我的解决方案与Dash自然相差甚远。 But it seems that the framework itself has no efficient method for this (so far). 但是,到目前为止,框架本身似乎还没有有效的方法。

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