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检测用户在Google Play中进行应用内购买的付款方式

[英]Detect user's payment method for in app purchases on Google Play

I am developing an app which provides in-app purchases to the user. 我正在开发一个向用户提供应用内购买的应用。 Everything is working as expected. 一切都按预期进行。 Now, I wish to know what payment method user has opted to complete the purchases, eg. 现在,我想知道用户选择了哪种付款方式来完成购买,例如。 a credit/debit card / net banking / some coupon redemption etc. I couldn't find anything regarding purchase method in the API docs. 信用卡/借记卡/网上银行/一些优惠券兑换等。我在API文档中找不到有关购买方法的任何信息。 Is there really a way to find what payment method user has used to complete the purchase? 是否真的有办法找到用户用来完成购买的付款方式? I require this information for analytics. 我需要此信息进行分析。

I asked Google Play Support about ability to be know user payment method. 我询问了Google Play支持人员有关了解用户付款方式的能力。 They answer that it is not possible now. 他们回答说现在不可能了。

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