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[英]Why mapping a class A to class B with monix or akka-streams is so slow?

I've benchmarked the mapping of a List[ClassA] to List[ClassB] with monix and akka-streams but I don't understand why it is so slow. 我已经用monix和akka流对基准List [ClassA]到List [ClassB]的映射进行了基准测试,但是我不明白为什么它这么慢。

I've tried different way to map and here is the result with JMH: 我尝试了不同的映射方式,这是JMH的结果:

[info] Benchmark                                    Mode  Cnt    Score    Error  Units
[info] MappingBenchmark.akkaLoadBalanceMap            ss   20  742,626 â–’  4,853  ms/op
[info] MappingBenchmark.akkaMapAsyncFold              ss   20  480,460 â–’  8,493  ms/op
[info] MappingBenchmark.akkaMapAsyncFoldAsync         ss   20  331,398 â–’ 10,490  ms/op
[info] MappingBenchmark.akkaMapFold                   ss   20  713,500 â–’  7,394  ms/op
[info] MappingBenchmark.akkaMapFoldAsync              ss   20  313,275 â–’  8,716  ms/op
[info] MappingBenchmark.map                           ss   20    0,567 â–’  0,175  ms/op
[info] MappingBenchmark.monixBatchedObservables       ss   20  259,736 â–’  5,939  ms/op
[info] MappingBenchmark.monixMapAsyncFoldLeft         ss   20  456,310 â–’  5,225  ms/op
[info] MappingBenchmark.monixMapAsyncFoldLeftAsync    ss   20  795,345 â–’  5,443  ms/op
[info] MappingBenchmark.monixMapFoldLeft              ss   20  247,172 â–’  5,342  ms/op
[info] MappingBenchmark.monixMapFoldLeftAsync         ss   20  478,840 â–’ 25,249  ms/op
[info] MappingBenchmark.monixTaskGather               ss   20    6,707 â–’  2,176  ms/op
[info] MappingBenchmark.parMap                        ss   20    1,257 â–’  0,831  ms/op

Here is the code: 这是代码:

package benches

import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit

import akka.NotUsed
import akka.actor.ActorSystem
import akka.stream.{ActorMaterializer, ClosedShape, UniformFanInShape, UniformFanOutShape}
import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Balance, Flow, GraphDSL, Keep, Merge, RunnableGraph, Sink, Source}
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations._

import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future}
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration

@Warmup(iterations = 20)
@Measurement(iterations = 20)
@Fork(value = 1, jvmArgs = Array("-server", "-Xmx8g"))
class MappingBenchmark {
  import monix.eval._
  import monix.reactive._
  import monix.execution.Scheduler.Implicits.global

  def list: List[ClassA] = (1 to 10000).map(ClassA).toList
  //    val l = (1 to 135368).map(Offre).toList

  // ##### SCALA ##### //

  def map: List[ClassB] = list.map(o => ClassB(o, o))

  def parMap: List[ClassB] = list.par.map(o => ClassB(o, o)).toList

  // ##### MONIX ##### //

  def monixTaskGather: List[ClassB] = {
    val task: Task[List[ClassB]] = Task.gatherUnordered(list.map(o => Task(ClassB(o,o))))
    Await.result(task.runAsync, Duration.Inf)

  def monixBatchedObservables: List[ClassB] = {
    val task: Task[List[ClassB]] =
        .flatMap{items =>
          val tasks = items.map(o => Task(ClassB(o,o)))
          val batches = tasks.sliding(10,10).map(b => Task.gatherUnordered(b))
          val aggregate: Task[Iterator[ClassB]] = Task.sequence(batches).map(_.flatten)
          Observable.fromTask(aggregate).flatMap(i => Observable.fromIterator(i))
        }.consumeWith(Consumer.foldLeft(List[ClassB]())(_ :+ _))
    Await.result(task.runAsync, Duration.Inf)

  def monixMapFoldLeft: List[ClassB] = {
    val task: Task[List[ClassB]] = Observable.fromIterable(list).map(o => ClassB(o, o)).consumeWith(Consumer.foldLeft(List[ClassB]())(_ :+ _))
    Await.result(task.runAsync, Duration.Inf)

  def monixMapFoldLeftAsync: List[ClassB] = {
    val task: Task[List[ClassB]] = Observable.fromIterable(list).map(o => ClassB(o, o)).consumeWith(Consumer.foldLeftAsync(List[ClassB]())((l, o) => Task(l :+ o)))
    Await.result(task.runAsync, Duration.Inf)

  def monixMapAsyncFoldLeft: List[ClassB] = {
    val task: Task[List[ClassB]] = Observable.fromIterable(list).mapAsync(4)(o => Task(ClassB(o, o))).consumeWith(Consumer.foldLeft(List[ClassB]())(_ :+ _))
    Await.result(task.runAsync, Duration.Inf)

  def monixMapAsyncFoldLeftAsync: List[ClassB] = {
    val task: Task[List[ClassB]] = Observable.fromIterable(list).mapAsync(4)(o => Task(ClassB(o, o))).consumeWith(Consumer.foldLeftAsync(List[ClassB]())((l, o) => Task(l :+ o)))
    Await.result(task.runAsync, Duration.Inf)

  // ##### AKKA-STREAM ##### //

  def akkaMapFold: List[ClassB] = {
    val graph: RunnableGraph[Future[List[ClassB]]] = Source(list).map(o => ClassB(o,o)).toMat(Sink.fold(List[ClassB]())(_ :+ _))(Keep.right)

  def akkaMapFoldAsync: List[ClassB] = {
    val graph: RunnableGraph[Future[List[ClassB]]] = Source(list).map(o => ClassB(o,o)).toMat(Sink.foldAsync(List[ClassB]())((l, o) => Future(l :+ o)))(Keep.right)

  def akkaMapAsyncFold: List[ClassB] = {
    def graph: RunnableGraph[Future[List[ClassB]]] = Source(list).mapAsync(4)(o => Future(ClassB(o,o))).async.toMat(Sink.fold(List[ClassB]())(_ :+ _))(Keep.right)

  def akkaMapAsyncFoldAsync: List[ClassB] = {
    def graph: RunnableGraph[Future[List[ClassB]]] = Source(list).mapAsync(4)(o => Future(ClassB(o,o))).async.toMat(Sink.foldAsync(List[ClassB]())((l, o) => Future(l :+ o)))(Keep.right)

  def akkaLoadBalanceMap: List[ClassB] = {
    def graph: RunnableGraph[Future[List[ClassB]]] = {
      val sink: Sink[ClassB, Future[List[ClassB]]] = Sink.fold(List[ClassB]())(_ :+ _)
      RunnableGraph.fromGraph[Future[List[ClassB]]](GraphDSL.create(sink) { implicit builder =>
        sink =>
          import GraphDSL.Implicits._
          val balance: UniformFanOutShape[ClassA, ClassA] = builder.add(Balance[ClassA](4))
          val merge: UniformFanInShape[ClassB, ClassB] = builder.add(Merge[ClassB](4))
          val mapClassB: Flow[ClassA, ClassB, NotUsed] = Flow[ClassA].map(o => ClassB(o,o))
          Source(list) ~> balance
          (1 to 4).foreach{ i =>
            balance ~> mapClassB.async ~> merge
          merge ~> sink

  private def runAkkaGraph(g:RunnableGraph[Future[List[ClassB]]]): List[ClassB] = {
    implicit val actorSystem = ActorSystem("app")
    implicit val actorMaterializer = ActorMaterializer()
    val eventualBs = g.run()
    val res = Await.result(eventualBs, Duration.Inf)

case class ClassA(a:Int)
case class ClassB(o:ClassA, o2:ClassA)

The bench result is getting even worse when the initial collection is bigger. 当初始集合更大时,基准结果会变得更糟。

I would like to know what my mistake is. 我想知道我的错误是什么。

Thanks for sharing your knowledge! 感谢您分享您的知识!

Best regards 最好的祝福

Just a note on asynchronous processing / parallelism ... in general when processing stuff in parallel you end up with quite a lot of CPU-bound overhead for synchronizing the results. 只是关于异步处理/并行性的说明...通常,当并行处理事物时,您最终会花费大量CPU开销来同步结果。

The overhead can in fact be so significant that it can nullify the time gains that you get from multiple CPU cores working in parallel. 实际上,开销可能如此之大,以至于抵消了从多个并行工作的CPU内核获得的时间收益。

You should also get familiar with Amdahl's Law . 您还应该熟悉阿姆达尔定律 Take a look at those numbers: with a parallel portion of 75% you reach the maximum speedup possible with only 4 processors. 看一下这些数字:并行部分为75%时,仅使用4个处理器就可以达到最大加速。 And with a parallel portion of 50%, you reach the maximum speedup with only 2 processors. 并行部分为50%时,仅使用2个处理器即可达到最高速度。

And this is only the theoretical limit, because you also have the shared-memory synchronization between processors which can get really messy; 这只是理论上的限制,因为您还具有处理器之间的共享内存同步,这可能会变得非常混乱。 basically processors are optimized for sequential execution. 基本上,处理器针对顺序执行进行了优化。 Introduce concurrency concerns and you need to force ordering with memory barriers, which nullify many CPU optimizations. 引入并发问题,您需要使用内存屏障强制进行排序,这会使许多CPU优化无效。 And thus you can reach a negative speedup, as seen in your tests actually. 因此,您可以达到负的加速,如实际测试中所见。

So you're testing asynchronous / parallel mapping, but the test is basically doing nothing at all, might as well test with the identity function and it would be almost the same thing. 因此,您正在测试异步/并行映射,但是该测试基本上什么都不做,可能还需要使用identity函数进行测试,并且几乎是同一回事。 In other words the test that you're doing and its results are pretty much useless in practice . 换句话说,您正在执行的测试及其结果在实践中几乎没有用

And as a side-note, this is also why I never liked the idea of "parallel collections". 另外,这也是为什么我从不喜欢“平行收藏”的原因。 The concept is flawed, because you can only use parallel collections for purely CPU-bound stuff (ie no I/O, no actual async stuff), which lets say that it is fine for doing some calculations, except that: 这个概念有缺陷,因为您只能将并行集合用于纯受CPU约束的内容(即没有I / O,没有实际的异步内容),可以说,它适合进行某些计算,但以下情况除外:

  1. for many purposes usage of parallel collections is slower than the normal operators that use a single CPU and 在许多方面,并行集合的使用要比使用单个CPU和
  2. if you actually have CPU-bound work and you need to use your hardware resources to the max, then "parallel collections" in their current incarnation are actually the wrong abstraction, because "hardware" these days includes GPUs 如果您实际上有CPU密集型工作,并且需要最大程度地使用硬件资源,那么当前形式的“并行集合”实际上是错误的抽象,因为如今“硬件”包括GPU

In other words parallel collections are not using hardware resources efficiently, since they totally ignore GPU support and are totally inadequate for mixed CPU - I/O tasks, since they lack asynchrony support. 换句话说,并行集合没有充分利用硬件资源,因为它们完全忽略了对GPU的支持,并且由于缺乏异步支持,因此对于混合CPU-I / O任务完全不适用。

I feel the need to mention this because too often people think that rubbing some " parallel " pixie dust on their code will make it run faster, but many times it won't. 我觉得有必要提及这一点,因为人们常常认为在其代码上摩擦一些“ 并行 ”的小像素灰尘会使其运行更快,但很多时候却不会。

Parallelism works great when you've got I/O-bound tasks (mixed with CPU-bound tasks of course) and in that case the CPU overhead is much less significant, because processing time is going to be dominated by I/O. 当您有绑定I / O的任务(当然与CPU绑定的任务混合在一起)时,并行处理效果很好,在这种情况下,CPU开销就不那么重要了,因为处理时间将由I / O决定。

PS: plain mapping over Scala collections should be faster because it is strict and (depending on the collection type) it uses array-backed buffers and thus don't trash CPU caches. PS:Scala集合上的纯映射应该更快,因为它很严格,并且(取决于集合类型)它使用了数组支持的缓冲区,因此不会浪费CPU缓存。 Monix's .map has the same overhead as Scala's Iterable.map , or in other words near-zero overhead, but its application is lazy and introduces some boxing overhead, which we can't get rid of because the JVM doesn't specialize generics. Monix的.map具有与Scala的Iterable.map相同的开销,或者说接近零的开销,但是它的应用程序是惰性的,并引入了一些装箱开销,因为JVM不专门使用泛型,所以我们无法摆脱这些开销。

It's damn fast in practice though ;-) 虽然在实践中该死的很快;-)

I've updated the code and the bench is really better than before. 我已经更新了代码,工作台确实比以前更好。 The difference is related to the List operator. 差异与List运算符有关。 In fact, the first version was using append instead of preprend. 实际上,第一个版本使用的是append而不是preprend。 Since List is a linked list, it had to iterate over the elements in order to add a new one. 由于List是一个链接列表,因此它必须遍历元素才能添加新元素。 By being lazy, I wanted to use _ operator but I should have not. 由于懒惰,我想使用_运算符,但我不应该这样做。

package benches

import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit

import akka.NotUsed
import akka.actor.ActorSystem
import akka.stream.{ActorMaterializer, ClosedShape, UniformFanInShape, UniformFanOutShape}
import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Balance, Flow, GraphDSL, Keep, Merge, RunnableGraph, Sink, Source}
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations._

import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future}
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
import scala.collection.immutable.Seq

@Warmup(iterations = 20)
@Measurement(iterations = 20)
@Fork(value = 1, jvmArgs = Array("-server", "-Xmx8g"))
class MappingBenchmark {
  import monix.eval._
  import monix.reactive._
  import monix.execution.Scheduler.Implicits.global

  def list: Seq[ClassA] = (1 to 10000).map(ClassA).toList
  //    val l = (1 to 135368).map(Offre).toList

  // ##### SCALA ##### //

  def foldClassB = (l:List[ClassB], o:ClassB) => o +: l

  def map: Seq[ClassB] = list.map(o => ClassB(o, o))

  def parMap: Seq[ClassB] = list.par.map(o => ClassB(o, o)).toList

  // ##### MONIX ##### //

  def monixTaskGather: Seq[ClassB] = {
    val task: Task[Seq[ClassB]] = Task.gatherUnordered(list.map(o => Task(ClassB(o,o))))
    Await.result(task.runAsync, Duration.Inf)

  def monixBatchedObservables: Seq[ClassB] = {
    val task: Task[Seq[ClassB]] =
        .flatMap{items =>
          val tasks = items.map(o => Task(ClassB(o,o)))
          val batches = tasks.sliding(10,10).map(b => Task.gatherUnordered(b))
          val aggregate: Task[Iterator[ClassB]] = Task.sequence(batches).map(_.flatten)
          Observable.fromTask(aggregate).flatMap(i => Observable.fromIterator(i))
    Await.result(task.runAsync, Duration.Inf)

  def monixMapFoldLeft: Seq[ClassB] = {
    val task: Task[Seq[ClassB]] = Observable.fromIterable(list).map(o => ClassB(o, o)).consumeWith(Consumer.foldLeft(List[ClassB]())(foldClassB))
    Await.result(task.runAsync, Duration.Inf)

  def monixMapFoldLeftAsync: Seq[ClassB] = {
    val task: Task[Seq[ClassB]] = Observable.fromIterable(list).map(o => ClassB(o, o)).consumeWith(Consumer.foldLeftAsync(List[ClassB]())((l, o) => Task(o +: l)))
    Await.result(task.runAsync, Duration.Inf)

  def monixMapAsyncFoldLeft: Seq[ClassB] = {
    val task: Task[Seq[ClassB]] = Observable.fromIterable(list).mapAsync(4)(o => Task(ClassB(o, o))).consumeWith(Consumer.foldLeft(List[ClassB]())(foldClassB))
    Await.result(task.runAsync, Duration.Inf)

  def monixMapAsyncFoldLeftAsync: Seq[ClassB] = {
    val task: Task[Seq[ClassB]] = Observable.fromIterable(list).mapAsync(4)(o => Task(ClassB(o, o))).consumeWith(Consumer.foldLeftAsync(List[ClassB]())((l, o) => Task(o +: l)))
    Await.result(task.runAsync, Duration.Inf)

  // ##### AKKA-STREAM ##### //

  def akkaMapFold: Seq[ClassB] = {
    val graph: RunnableGraph[Future[List[ClassB]]] = Source(list).map(o => ClassB(o,o)).toMat(Sink.fold(List[ClassB]())(foldClassB))(Keep.right)

  def akkaMapFoldAsync: Seq[ClassB] = {
    val graph: RunnableGraph[Future[List[ClassB]]] = Source(list).map(o => ClassB(o,o)).toMat(Sink.foldAsync(List[ClassB]())((l, o) => Future(o +: l)))(Keep.right)

  def akkaMapSeq: Seq[ClassB] = {
    val graph = Source(list).map(o => ClassB(o,o)).toMat(Sink.seq)(Keep.right)

  def akkaMapAsyncFold: Seq[ClassB] = {
    def graph: RunnableGraph[Future[Seq[ClassB]]] = Source(list).mapAsync(4)(o => Future(ClassB(o,o))).async.toMat(Sink.fold(List[ClassB]())(foldClassB))(Keep.right)

  def akkaMapAsyncFoldAsync: Seq[ClassB] = {
    def graph: RunnableGraph[Future[Seq[ClassB]]] = Source(list).mapAsync(4)(o => Future(ClassB(o,o))).async.toMat(Sink.foldAsync(List[ClassB]())((l, o) => Future(o +: l)))(Keep.right)

  def akkaMapAsyncSeq: Seq[ClassB] = {
    val graph = Source(list).mapAsync(4)(o => Future(ClassB(o,o))).toMat(Sink.seq)(Keep.right)

  def akkaLoadBalanceMap: Seq[ClassB] = {
    def graph: RunnableGraph[Future[Seq[ClassB]]] = {
      val sink: Sink[ClassB, Future[Seq[ClassB]]] = Sink.fold(List[ClassB]())(foldClassB)
      RunnableGraph.fromGraph[Future[Seq[ClassB]]](GraphDSL.create(sink) { implicit builder =>
        sink =>
          import GraphDSL.Implicits._
          val balance: UniformFanOutShape[ClassA, ClassA] = builder.add(Balance[ClassA](4))
          val merge: UniformFanInShape[ClassB, ClassB] = builder.add(Merge[ClassB](4))
          val mapClassB: Flow[ClassA, ClassB, NotUsed] = Flow[ClassA].map(o => ClassB(o,o))
          Source(list) ~> balance
          (1 to 4).foreach{ i =>
            balance ~> mapClassB.async ~> merge
          merge ~> sink

  def akkaLoadBalanceMapSeq: Seq[ClassB] = {
    def graph: RunnableGraph[Future[Seq[ClassB]]] = {
      val sink: Sink[ClassB, Future[Seq[ClassB]]] = Sink.seq
      RunnableGraph.fromGraph[Future[Seq[ClassB]]](GraphDSL.create(sink) { implicit builder =>
        sink =>
          import GraphDSL.Implicits._
          val balance: UniformFanOutShape[ClassA, ClassA] = builder.add(Balance[ClassA](4))
          val merge: UniformFanInShape[ClassB, ClassB] = builder.add(Merge[ClassB](4))
          val mapClassB: Flow[ClassA, ClassB, NotUsed] = Flow[ClassA].map(o => ClassB(o,o))
          Source(list) ~> balance
          (1 to 4).foreach{ i =>
            balance ~> mapClassB.async ~> merge
          merge ~> sink

  private def runAkkaGraph(g:RunnableGraph[Future[Seq[ClassB]]]): Seq[ClassB] = {
    implicit val actorSystem = ActorSystem("app")
    implicit val actorMaterializer = ActorMaterializer()
    val eventualBs = g.run()
    val res = Await.result(eventualBs, Duration.Inf)

case class ClassA(a:Int)
case class ClassB(o:ClassA, o2:ClassA)

The result with this updated class is : 更新后的类的结果是:

[info] Benchmark                                    Mode  Cnt   Score   Error  Units
[info] MappingBenchmark.akkaLoadBalanceMap            ss   20  19,052 â–’ 3,779  ms/op
[info] MappingBenchmark.akkaLoadBalanceMapSeq         ss   20  16,115 â–’ 3,232  ms/op
[info] MappingBenchmark.akkaMapAsyncFold              ss   20  20,862 â–’ 3,127  ms/op
[info] MappingBenchmark.akkaMapAsyncFoldAsync         ss   20  26,994 â–’ 4,010  ms/op
[info] MappingBenchmark.akkaMapAsyncSeq               ss   20  19,399 â–’ 7,089  ms/op
[info] MappingBenchmark.akkaMapFold                   ss   20  12,132 â–’ 4,111  ms/op
[info] MappingBenchmark.akkaMapFoldAsync              ss   20  22,652 â–’ 3,802  ms/op
[info] MappingBenchmark.akkaMapSeq                    ss   20  10,894 â–’ 3,114  ms/op
[info] MappingBenchmark.map                           ss   20   0,625 â–’ 0,193  ms/op
[info] MappingBenchmark.monixBatchedObservables       ss   20   9,175 â–’ 4,080  ms/op
[info] MappingBenchmark.monixMapAsyncFoldLeft         ss   20  11,724 â–’ 4,458  ms/op
[info] MappingBenchmark.monixMapAsyncFoldLeftAsync    ss   20  14,174 â–’ 6,962  ms/op
[info] MappingBenchmark.monixMapFoldLeft              ss   20   1,057 â–’ 0,960  ms/op
[info] MappingBenchmark.monixMapFoldLeftAsync         ss   20   9,638 â–’ 4,910  ms/op
[info] MappingBenchmark.monixTaskGather               ss   20   7,065 â–’ 2,428  ms/op
[info] MappingBenchmark.parMap                        ss   20   1,392 â–’ 0,923  ms/op

it seems that it is still faster to map with scala if we can before running a stream. 如果可以,在运行流之前,使用scala进行映射似乎仍然更快。

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