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[英]In Thymeleaf, how can I choose the th:selected value for an HTML selector based on the current model object?

From the following controller, I pass a list of resource values, ie serviceRequestList into the model, which I then bind an HTML selector (drop-down menu). 从下面的控制器中,我将资源值列表(即serviceRequestList传递到模型中,然后绑定一个HTML选择器(下拉菜单)。 On this page, however, exists a single object, ServiceRequestDO . 但是,此页面上存在一个对象ServiceRequestDO I want the selector to default to the value of the present object, so that when changes are saved the user doesn't have to remember what all the values initially were and then reset them. 我希望选择器默认为当前对象的值,这样在保存更改时,用户不必记住最初的所有值是什么,然后重置它们。 Makes sense, right? 有道理吧? Is there some Thymeleaf condition that will match the value of the present model object for some field to the selector that should be selected by default? 是否存在一些Thymeleaf条件,它将某个字段的当前模型对象的值与应默认选择的选择器相匹配?

ServiceRequestController: ServiceRequestController:

@RequestMapping(value = "edit/{id}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
    String GetEditDetails(Model model, Principal principal, @PathVariable("id") Long id, @Valid @ModelAttribute(value = "requestModel") RequestModel requestModel, BindingResult bindingResult, RedirectAttributes redirectAttributes)
        UserDO currentUser = userRepository.findOneByInitialName(principal.getName());

        // Redirect to index if user is not a manager
        if (currentUser.getRole() != Role.MANAGER) {
            return "redirect:/index";

        ServiceRequestDO service = serviceRequestRepository.findById(id);
        model.addAttribute("service", service);

        model.addAttribute("currentUser", currentUser);
        model.addAttribute("requestModel", new RequestModel());

        List<ServiceRequestTypeResource> serviceRequestList = serviceRequestTypeRepository.findAll();
        List<SubServiceRequestTypeResource> subServiceRequestTypeList = subServiceRequestTypeRepository.findAll();
        List<ServiceLineTypeResource> serviceLineList = serviceLineRepository.findAll();
        List<ProductTypeResource> productList = productRepository.findAll();
        List<CustomerNameTypeResource> customerNameList = customerNameRepository.findAll();
        List<LocalTeamTypeResource> localTeamList = localTeamRepository.findAll();


        /* Drop-Down List */
        model.addAttribute("serviceRequestList", serviceRequestList);
        model.addAttribute("subServiceRequestList", subServiceRequestTypeList);
        model.addAttribute("serviceLineList", serviceLineList);
        model.addAttribute("productList", productList);
        model.addAttribute("customerNameList", customerNameList);
        model.addAttribute("localTeamList", localTeamList);

        return "edit";


      <label rel="tooltip"
         title="" data-placement="bottom" data-html="true">Service Request Type</label>
      <select th:name="*{serviceRequestType}">
         <option th:each="serviceRequestItem : ${serviceRequestList}"

With the template above, the selector just defaults to the bottom value in the list, regardless of the present object model's value for ${service.serviceRequestType} , for example. 使用上面的模板,例如,无论当前对象模型的${service.serviceRequestType}值如何,选择器都将默认为列表中的最低值。

If I understand everything correctly, I would go like that (created a simple example): 如果我正确理解了所有内容,那么我会那样做(创建了一个简单的示例):

public String test(Model model, @PathVariable("id") long id) {
    //This part represent your serviceRequestRepository.findById(id);
    User requestedUser = new User(id, "User " + id);
    model.addAttribute("requestedUser", requestedUser);

    //List of users represent your serviceRequestTypeRepository.findAll();
    List<User> users = new ArrayList<>();
    users.add(new User(1, "User 1"));
    users.add(new User(2, "User 2"));
    users.add(new User(3, "User 3"));

    model.addAttribute("users", users);

    return "test";

And your select looks like that: 您的选择如下所示:

<select th:name="*{requestedUser}">
  <option th:each="user : ${users}"
     th:selected="${requestedUser.id == user.id}">

If you enter now http://localhost:8080/test/2 the second user is selected: 如果现在输入http://localhost:8080/test/2 ,则会选择第二个用户:

<option value="1">User 1</option>
<option selected="selected" value="2">User 2</option>
<option value="3">User 3</option>

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