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如何使用Spring Security针对db或ldap对用户进行动态身份验证?

[英]How can I dynamically authenticate a user against the db or ldap with spring security?

I configured the authentication to work with both the db and ldap like this: 我将身份验证配置为可同时与db和ldap一起使用:

        "SELECT lower(username), password, active from USER_BTABLE where lower(username)=lower(?) and LDAPAUTH=0"
).authoritiesByUsernameQuery("select lower(username), 'ROLE_USER' from USER_ATABLE where lower(username)=lower(?)");

The trouble is that if the user also exists in the configured ldap with another password starting with the 6th authentication request the following exception appears: 问题在于,如果用户还以另一个密码(从第6个身份验证请求开始)存在于已配置的ldap中,则会出现以下异常:

 org.springframework.ldap.InvalidAttributeValueException: [LDAP: error code 19 - Exceed password retry limit. Please try later.];

I check in the login filter if the user has the db auth flag set, can I configure the AuthenticationManagerBuilder on the fly there also? 如果用户设置了db auth标志,我将检查登录过滤器,是否也可以在此动态配置AuthenticationManagerBuilder

I eventually did a 307 redirect from a db auth server instance to an ldap auth server instance inside a doFilter method: 我最终做了一个307重定向,从db auth服务器实例到doFilter方法中的ldap auth服务器实例:

httpResponse.setHeader("Location", req.getScheme() + "://"redirectLocation);

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