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Django 加权百分比

[英]Django weighted percentage

I'm trying to calculate a weighted percentage in a Django query.我正在尝试计算 Django 查询中的加权百分比。

This is an example of what my data looks like:这是我的数据的示例:

id      start_date  agency_id   area_id housetype_id    no_of_changed   price_change_percentage total
6716    2017-08-26  11          1       1               16              -0.09                   35
6717    2017-08-26  11          1       3               44              -0.11                   73
6718    2017-08-26  11          1       4               7               -0.1                    12
6719    2017-08-26  11          1       5               0               0                       4
6720    2017-08-26  11          1       6               0               0                       1
6721    2017-08-26  21          1       1               0               0                       1
6722    2017-08-26  34          1       1               0               0                       1
6723    2017-08-26  35          1       1               0               0                       1
6724    2017-08-26  38          1       1               0               0                       1

and this is my current code:这是我当前的代码:

from django.db.models import F, FloatField, ExpressionWrapper
from app.models import PriceChange

def weighted_percentage(area_id, date_range, agency_id, housetype):

    data = PriceChange.objects.filter(area_id=area_id,

    if housetype:
        data = data.filter(housetype=housetype) \
            .values('start_date') \
            .annotate(price_change_total=ExpressionWrapper((F('price_change_percentage') * F('no_of_changed')) / F('total'), output_field=FloatField())) \

        # what to do?

    x = [x['start_date'] for x in data]
    y = [y['price_change_total'] for y in data]

    return x, y

I figured out how to do the calculation when housetype is defined and I only need to data from one row.我想出了如何在定义房屋类型时进行计算并且我只需要从一行中获取数据。 I can't figure out how to done when I need to calculate for multiple rows with the same start_date.当我需要计算具有相同 start_date 的多行时,我不知道该怎么做。 I don't want a value for each row but for each start_date.我不想要每一行的值,而是每个 start_date 的值。

As an example (two rows with same start_date, area_id, agency_id but different housetype_ids): no_of_changed price_change_percentage total 16 -0.09 35 44 -0.11 73例如(两行具有相同的 start_date、area_id、agency_id 但不同的 housetype_id): no_of_changed price_change_percentage total 16 -0.09 35 44 -0.11 73

The calculation is in pseudocode: ((no_of_changed[0] * price_changed_percentage[0]) + (no_of_changed[0] * price_changed_percentage[0])) / (total[0] + total[1]) = price_change_total计算采用伪代码: ((no_of_changed[0] * price_changed_percentage[0]) + (no_of_changed[0] * price_changed_percentage[0])) / (total[0] + total[1]) = price_change_total

((16 * -0.09) + (44 * -0.11)/ (35 + 73) = -0.03148148

I'm using Django 1.11 and Python 3.6.我正在使用 Django 1.11 和 Python 3.6。

You need to wrap the expression in a Sum expression.您需要将表达式包装在 Sum 表达式中。

Add the following import:添加以下导入:

from django.db.models import Sum

Then add the following query然后添加以下查询

    data = data.values('start_date') \
               Sum(F('price_change_percentage') * F('no_of_changed')) / Sum(F('total')),
       ) \

What is happening here is that when you use an aggregation expression such as Sum inside an annotate() call, it is translated into a group_by query in the database.这里发生的事情是,当您在annotate()调用中使用诸如Sum类的聚合表达式时,它会被转换为数据库中的group_by查询。 All columns listed in the previous values() clause are used to create the group_by query.前面values()子句中列出的所有列都用于创建group_by查询。

See this blog post for further explanation and a breakdown of the resulting SQL query.请参阅此博客文章以获得进一步的解释和结果 SQL 查询的细分。

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