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[英]How to assign null values to dynamic property type

Basically, I am in need of a converter which converts a DataReader object to generic type. 基本上,我需要一个将DataReader对象转换为通用类型的转换器。

so when I do - 所以当我做的时候-

    var result= dataReader.ConvertToObject<MyModel>();

It calls an extension method of generic type - 它调用通用类型的扩展方法-

public static T ConvertToObject<T>(this DbDataReader reader) where T : new()
    T res = new T();

    T t = new T();

    for (int inc = 0; inc < reader.FieldCount; inc++)
        Type type = t.GetType();
        PropertyInfo prop = type.GetProperty(reader.GetName(inc));
        var value = reader.GetValue(inc);
        if (value == System.DBNull.Value)
            value = null;

        var targetType = IsNullableType(prop.PropertyType) ? Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(prop.PropertyType) : prop.PropertyType;

        value = Convert.ChangeType(value, targetType);

        prop.SetValue(t, value, null);

    res = t;
    return res;

private static bool IsNullableType(Type type)
    return type.IsConstructedGenericType && type.GetGenericTypeDefinition().Equals(typeof(Nullable<>));

It works fine until the the result in datareader is System.DBNull except the System.String 正常工作,直到datareader的结果为System.DBNull为止,除了System.String

To handle null values I forcefully checked if the value is type of System.DBNull then assign it a C# NULL object. 为了处理空值,我强制检查了该值是否为System.DBNull类型,然后为其分配了一个C# NULL对象。

if (value == System.DBNull.Value)
    value = null;

This however fails the conversion when the result is null for numeric type object. 但是,当数字类型对象的结果为null时,转换将失败。

So basically I am trying to do is when the result value is type - System.Nullable[System.Decimal] 所以基本上我想做的是当结果值为类型时System.Nullable[System.Decimal]

then 然后

if (value == System.DBNull.Value)
  value = (System.Decimal?) null;

Or 要么

value = (System.DateTime?)null //for DateTime
value = (System.Int32?)null //for Int32

What I tried to get dynamic property type 我试图获取动态属性类型的内容

if (value == System.DBNull.Value)
    value = (prop.PropertyType ?) null; // to get it dynamic

This didn't work. 这没用。 Please let me know what I have to do? 请让我知道我该怎么办?

You can't specify null as a value of type T because it might not be a valid value for T . 您不能将null指定为T类型的值,因为它可能不是T的有效值。 (Think int etc.) (请考虑int等)

However, you can use default(T) , which will be the default value for T - the same value you'd get if you left a field of type T uninitialized, for example. 但是,您可以使用default(T) ,它将是T的默认值-例如,如果您将T类型的字段保留为未初始化,则将获得相同的值。 That will be: 那将是:

  • For reference types, a null literal 对于引用类型,为空文字
  • For nullable value types, the null value of the type 对于可空值类型,该类型的空值
  • For non-nullable value types, the "all zero" value (0 for all numeric values etc) 对于非空值类型,“全零”值(对于所有数值等均为0)

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