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Vue JS动态数据组件

[英]Vue js dynamic data component

I'm passing some dynamic data from a parent component to a child component using props .. So I would like to know how I can add myColor prop to total value and show it an render the result in a final value. 我是从父组件使用的道具通过一些动态数据的子组件。所以我想知道我怎么可以添加myColor道具价值,并显示它的渲染结果的最终值。 I've already update the post with the parent component (shapes) and the child component (colors) 我已经用父组件(形状)和子组件(颜色)更新了帖子

I'm using Vue 2 and webpack. 我正在使用Vue 2和Webpack。

//parent component

<v-layout row wrap primary-title v-for="shape in shapes" :key="shape.id">
        <v-layout column>
            <v-flex >
                <v-subheader>{{shape.name}} {{shape.price}}€ {{selectedShape.price}}</v-subheader>
        <my-colors :myShape="selectedShape.price"></my-colors>


import Colors from './Colors.vue';

export default {

    components: {

    data() {

        return {
            selectedShape: {},
            shapes: [{
                id: 1,
                name: "Square",
                price: 4,
                href: "../../static/square.jpg"
            }, {
                id: 2,
                name: "Circle",
                price: 6,
                href: "../../static/circle.jpg"

    computed: {

        totalShape: function() {
            var totalShape = 0;
            for (var i = 0; i < this.shapes.length; i++) {
                if (this.shapes[i].selected) {
                    totalShape += this.shapes[i].price;
            return totalShape;
    methods: {
        getSelectedShape() {
                return this.selectedShape;



//child component
                    <v-flex >
                        <h3 >Total price:</h3>
                        <v-subheader> {{total}} {{myShape}}   €</v-subheader>


          export default {
              props: ['myShape'],

              data: () => ({

                  checked1: '',
                  showCart: false,
                  colors: [{
                      id: 1,
                      name: "white",
                      price: 2,
                      checked: '',
                  }, {
                      id: 2,
                      name: "black",
                      price: 2.0,
                      checked: '',
                  }, {
                      id: 3,
                      name: "Grey",
                      price: 2.25,
                      checked: '',
                  }, {
                      id: 4,
                      name: "Blue",
                      price: 1.6,
                      checked: '',
                  }, {
                      id: 5,
                      name: "Red",
                      price: 2.5,
                      checked: '',
                  }, {
                      id: 6,
                      name: "Yellow",
                      price: 2.75,
                      checked: '',

              computed: {

                  total: function() {
                      var total = 0;
                      for (var i = 0; i < this.colors.length; i++) {
                          if (this.colors[i].checked) {
                              total += this.colors[i].price;
                      return total; 


I do not understand your needs from this script, but be aware of one way data flow in Vue. 我无法通过此脚本了解您的需求,但是请注意Vue中数据流的一种方式。 So, you can send data from parent component to child component in which its will be accessible through props, but not from child component to parent. 因此,您可以将数据从父组件发送到子组件,在子组件中可以通过prop进行访问,但不能从子组件发送到父组件。 Use Vuex if you need two-way data flow between components. 如果您需要组件之间的双向数据流,请使用Vuex。

 var child = { template: '#child', props: ['fromParent'] } Vue.component('parent', { template: '#parent', components: { child: child }, props: ['fromInstance'] }) new Vue({ el: '#app', data: { instanceData: { text: 'Original value' } }, created () { var self = this setTimeout(_ => self.instanceData.text = 'Changed value', 3000) } }) 
 <script src="https://unpkg.com/vue@2.4.2/dist/vue.min.js"></script> <div id="app"> <parent :from-instance="this.instanceData"></parent> </div> <template id="parent"> <div> <child :from-parent="this.fromInstance"></child> </div> </template> <template id="child"> <p>{{this.fromParent.text}}</p> </template> 

Example with SELECT: SELECT的示例:

 var child = { template: '#child', props: ['selected'] } Vue.component('parent', { template: '#parent', components: { child: child }, props: ['options'], data () { return { parentCar: 'none' } }, methods: { update (e) { this.parentCar = e.target.value } } }) new Vue({ el: '#app', data: { items: { audi: 'Audi', bmw: 'BMW', mercedes: 'Mercedes', } } }) 
 <script src="https://unpkg.com/vue@2.4.2/dist/vue.min.js"></script> <div id="app"> <parent :options="this.items"></parent> </div> <template id="parent"> <div> <select @change="update"> <option value="none" selected>Car</option> <option v-for="(value, key) in options" :value="key"> {{ value }} </option> </select> <child :selected="this.parentCar"></child> </div> </template> <template id="child"> <p>{{ selected }}</p> </template> 

Example with checked / unchecked checkbox: 选中/未选中复选框的示例:

 var child = { template: '#child', props: ['checked'] } Vue.component('parent', { template: '#parent', components: { child: child }, data () { return { checkbox: false } } }) new Vue({ el: '#app' }) 
 <script src="https://unpkg.com/vue@2.4.2/dist/vue.min.js"></script> <div id="app"> <parent></parent> </div> <template id="parent"> <div> <input type="checkbox" v-model="checkbox"> <child :checked="this.checkbox"></child> </div> </template> <template id="child"> <p>{{ checked }}</p> </template> 

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