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[英]AppLovin Banner Ad not Visible But It is Clickable

I am developing android game in unity with latest Applovin SDK. 我正在与最新的Applovin SDK联合开发android游戏。 I am trying to Integrate Applovin Banner ad. 我正在尝试整合Applovin标语广告。 Integration is done but still i cant see banner ad but amazing thing is, its clickable. 整合已经完成,但我仍然看不到横幅广告,但令人惊奇的是,它的可点击性。 I did saw test Ad once but after that I never saw that. 我确实看过一次测试广告,但此后再也没有看到。

My lines of code are below 我的代码行如下

AppLovin.SetSdkKey ("11H8U6aELIAQxFi5y51tuGKeh872sMItNa_sga51tGRoV9uSEvK79emsnuucEBUcmTSR3TSwqxxxxxxxxxxxxx");
AppLovin.InitializeSdk ();
AppLovin.PreloadInterstitial ();
AppLovin.SetUnityAdListener (this.gameObject.name);

AppLovin.SetAdWidth (768);

Test Mode is On Play Services integrated (Rewarded Videos and Interstitial are working fine) Manifest is updated and No Frequency Cap is applied 测试模式为“正在播放”,服务已集成(奖励视频和插页式广告正常运行),清单已更新且未应用频次上限

I got it solved after consulting with applovin support team. 在与applovin支持团队协商后,我解决了问题。 Problem was in the IDE version of Unity that I was using. 问题出在我使用的Unity的IDE版本中。 Upgraded the Unity IDE and it worked. 升级了Unity IDE,并且可以正常工作。

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