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[英]How to check if value exists in python list of objects

if i have a simple list objects: 如果我有一个简单的列表对象:

shapes = [
    'shape': 'square',
    'width': 40,
    'height': 40
    'shape': 'rectangle',
    'width': 30,
    'height': 40


How can i quickly check if a shape with value square exists? 如何快速检查是否存在具有square值的shape I know I can use a for loop to check each object, but is there a faster way? 我知道我可以使用for循环来检查每个对象,但是有没有更快的方法?

Thanks in advance! 提前致谢!

You can do this in one line with the builtin function any : 您可以使用内置函数any一行完成此操作:

if any(obj['shape'] == 'square' for obj in shapes):
    print('There is a square')

This is equivalent to the for-loop approach, though. 但是,这等效于for循环方法。

If you need to get the index instead, then there is still a one-liner that can do this without sacrificing efficiency: 如果您需要获取索引,那么仍然可以使用一种方法而不牺牲效率:

index = next((i for i, obj in enumerate(shapes) if obj['shape'] == 'square'), -1)

However, this is complicated enough that it's probably better to just stick with a normal for loop. 但是,这非常复杂,以至于坚持使用普通的for循环可能更好。

index = -1
for i, obj in enumerate(shapes):
    if obj['shape'] == 'square':
        index = i

Look ma, no loop. 看,没有循环

import json
import re

if re.search('"shape": "square"', json.dumps(shapes), re.M):
    ... # "square" does exist

If you want to retrieve the index associated with square , you'd need to iterate over it using for...else : 如果要检索与square相关的索引,则需要使用for...else对其进行迭代:

for i, d in enumerate(shapes):
    if d['shape'] == 'square':
    i = -1


Performance 性能

100000 loops, best of 3: 10.5 µs per loop   # regex
1000000 loops, best of 3: 341 ns per loop   # loop

You can try this, using get for a more robust solution: 您可以尝试使用get更强大的解决方案:

if any(i.get("shape", "none") == "square" for i in shapes):
    #do something

Using list comprehension you can do: 使用列表理解,您可以执行以下操作:

if [item for item in shapes if item['shape'] == 'square']:
    # do something

Using filter() : 使用filter()

if list(filter(lambda item: item['shape'] == 'square', shapes)):
    # do something

Checking only if it exists: 仅检查是否存在:

any(shape.get('shape') == 'square' for shape in shapes)

Getting first index (you will get StopIteration exception if it does not exist). 获取第一个索引(如果不存在StopIteration异常,则该异常)。

next(i for i, shape in enumerate(shapes) if shape.get('shape') == 'square')

All indexes: 所有索引:

[i for i, shape in enumerate(shapes) if shape.get('shape') == 'square']
import operator
shape = operator.itemgetter('shape')
shapez = map(shape, shapes)
print('square' in shapez)

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