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[英]C# Download File from a network drive

I have a file that is located at a network drive. 我有一个位于网络驱动器上的文件。 The user access is already created to have full access to the path. 用户访问权限已创建,可以完全访问路径。 But it seems that when I ran the following code to get the file, the browser just does not respond. 但是似乎当我运行以下代码来获取文件时,浏览器只是不响应。

FileInfo file = new FileInfo(GetDocumentUploadFolder(ID) + fileName);

// Checking if file exists
if (file.Exists)
    // Clear the content of the response

    // Clear the header of the response

    // Set the ContentType
    this.Page.Response.ContentType = "application/pdf";

    // Write the file into the response (TransmitFile is for ASP.NET 2.0. In ASP.NET 1.1 you have to use WriteFile instead)

    // End the response

I tried using this.Page.Response.TransmitFile(file.FullName); 我尝试使用this.Page.Response.TransmitFile(file.FullName); and it also does not work. 而且它也不起作用。 The page seems to stop functioning after this.Page.Response.End(); this.Page.Response.End();之后,页面似乎停止运行this.Page.Response.End();

Any ideas? 有任何想法吗?

No matter where file a stored. 无论文件存储在哪里。 Your action must return a file as the result: 您的操作必须返回一个文件作为结果:

public FileResult GetBytes()
   string path = Server.MapPath("~/Files/PDFIcon.pdf");
   byte[] mas = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(path);
   string file_type = "application/pdf";
   string file_name = "PDFIcon.pdf";
   return File(mas, file_type, file_name);

Server.MapPath(filePath string) - must have access to the file. Server.MapPath(filePath string)-必须有权访问该文件。

I am able to do a workaround by copying the files first from the network drive to local path and then do a TransmitFile from there: 我可以通过以下方法来解决该问题:首先将文件从网络驱动器复制到本地路径,然后从那里复制文件:

FileInfo file = new FileInfo(GetDocumentUploadFolder(ID) + fileName);
string strFolder = Server.MapPath(LocalLocation);
string strDestination = Server.MapPath(LocalLocation + "\\" + fileName);

// Checking if file exists
if (file.Exists)
    if (!Directory.Exists(strFolder))
    // Delete contents in this folder
    Common.DeleteFiles(strFolder, "*.*");
    file.CopyTo(strDestination, true);

    // Clear the content of the response

    // Clear the header of the response

    // Set the ContentType
    this.Page.Response.ContentType = "application/pdf";

    // Write the file into the response (TransmitFile is for ASP.NET 2.0. In ASP.NET 1.1 you have to use WriteFile instead)

    // End the response

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