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在Ansible Tower中设置保管库密码

[英]Setting vault password in Ansible Tower

I have used Ansible Vault to encrypt a file in which I have stored sensitive data. 我使用Ansible Vault来加密我存储敏感数据的文件。

In my orchestration script below command is mentioned to run the playbook. 在我的编排脚本中,提到了运行playbook的命令。

ansible-playbook -i hosts -vvv Playbook.yml --ask-vault-pass

This prompts user to provide password for Ansible vault. 这会提示用户为Ansible保管库提供密码。 Now how can I achieve the same through Ansible Tower so that no manual intervention. 现在我怎么能通过Ansible Tower实现同样的目的,以便不需要人工干预。 I do not want this to done through password file as it is the requirement. 我不希望这是通过密码文件来完成的,因为这是要求。 Any suggestion would be great help. 任何建议都会有很大的帮助。

On Ansible Tower, go to Settings > Credentials and edit your Machine Credentials. 在Ansible Tower上,转到设置>凭据并编辑您的机器凭据。 There is an option to enter your vault password. 可以选择输入您的保管库密码。 When you run the playbook on Ansible Tower, the vault password should automatically be entered. 在Ansible Tower上运行playbook时,应自动输入Vault密码。 You can also check the box "Ask at runtime?" 您也可以选中“在运行时询问?”框。 if you want to manually enter your vault password when the playbook is running. 如果您想在Playbook运行时手动输入您的保管库密码。

Here is an overview of this functionality under "Vault Support" of this page: https://www.ansible.com/blog/ansible-tower-148 以下是此页面“Vault支持”下此功能的概述: https//www.ansible.com/blog/ansible-tower-148

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