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react-codemirror beforeChange事件

[英]react-codemirror beforeChange event

I am using react-codemirror node module as follows: 我正在使用react-codemirror节点模块,如下所示:


The change event works fine, but I can't seem to hook up with the beforeChange event. change事件工作正常,但我似乎无法与beforeChange事件挂钩。 Anyone know what I am doing wrong? 谁知道我做错了什么?

I have declared handlers in my class as follows: 我在课堂上声明了处理程序如下:

onBeforeChange(change) {
  console.log('calling beforeChange');

onChange(newCode) {
    code: newCode

Author of react-codemirror2 here. 这里是react-codemirror2的作者。 I stumbled upon your question and wanted to follow up with a detailed answer as there are some breaking changes in 3.x . 我偶然发现了你的问题并希望跟进一个详细的答案,因为3.x中有一些重大变化。 The component now ships with an UnControlled and Controlled variant based on different use cases. 该组件现在附带了基于不同用例的UnControlledControlled变体。 I see you are calling setState within the onBeforeChange callback. 我看到你在onBeforeChange回调中调用了setState In your case, I'd suggest leveraging the controlled component as such... 在你的情况下,我建议利用受控组件......

import {Controlled as CodeMirror} from 'react-codemirror2'

  onBeforeChange={(editor, data, value) => {
    this.setState({value}); // must be managed here
  onChange={(editor, metadata, value) => {
    // final value, no need to setState here

With the controlled variant, managing state is required on the value prop to see any changes. 使用受控变量, 需要value prop上管理状态以查看任何更改。

Additionally, the UnControlled component also has an onBeforeChange callback as well, yet with different behavior as such... 此外, UnControlled组件也有一个onBeforeChange回调,但具有不同的行为......

import {UnControlled as CodeMirror} from 'react-codemirror2'

  onBeforeChange={(editor, data, value, next) => {
    // hook to do whatever
  onChange={(editor, metadata, value) => {

Here however, onChange will be deferred until next is invoked if onBeforeChange is specified. 然而在这里, onChange将被推迟到next如果调用onBeforeChange指定。 If not, onChange will fire regardless. 如果没有, onChange无论如何都会开火。 Important to note, though, with the UnControlled variant, the editor will always react to input changes - the difference will simply be if onChange is called or not. 但值得注意的是,使用UnControlled变体时,编辑器将始终对输入更改做出反应 - 差异只是在调用onChange

These changes were inspired due to the needs of the community and I encourage you to open an issue should anything not be working as you expect. 这些变化的灵感来自于社区的需求,如果任何事情没有按照您的预期发挥作用,我鼓励您提出问题

It turns out react-codemirror does NOT expose the beforeChange event. 事实证明react-codemirror不公开beforeChange事件。

However, react-codemirror2 does. 但是, react-codemirror2可以。 A switch of library fixed this for me! 图书馆的交换机为我修好了!

My final callback code: 我的最终回调代码:

onBeforeChange(cm, change, callOnChange) {

  const options = Object.assign({}, DEFAULT_OPTIONS, this.props.options)

  if (options.singleLine) {
    var after = change.text.join('').replace(/\n/g, '')
    change.update(change.from, change.to, [after])


onChange(cm, change, code) {

  this.setState({ code })

  if (this.props.onChange) {

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