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添加 gdb 目标架构:aarch64

[英]add gdb target achitecture: aarch64

I`m trying to debug android's Linux kernel.我正在尝试调试 android 的 Linux 内核。 I can run gdbserver64 on the android device and connect to it with gdb on the host computer.我可以在 android 设备上运行 gdbserver64 并在主机上使用 gdb 连接到它。 However when i try to debug i receive this error:但是,当我尝试调试时,我收到此错误:

(gdb) target remote localhost:2345
Remote debugging using localhost:2345
warning: while parsing target description (at line 11): Target description specified unknown architecture "aarch64"
warning: Could not load XML target description; ignoring
Remote register badly formatted:T051d:0000000000000000;1f:50f8ffff7f000000;20:641cf5b77f000000;thread:p57c.57c;core:5;
here: 00000000;1f:50f8ffff7f000000;20:641cf5b77f000000;thread:p57c.57c;core:5;

Its pretty clear that the host gdb does not have aarch64.很明显主机gdb没有aarch64。 Is there a way to add architectures to gdb?有没有办法将架构添加到 gdb? I cant seem to find a way to.我似乎无法找到方法。

Is there a way to add architectures to gdb?有没有办法将架构添加到 gdb?

Yes: configure it with --enable-targets=all .是:使用--enable-targets=all配置它。

我必须从gdb 源代码构建它:

  1. cd gdb-10.1
  2. ./configure --target=aarch64-linux-android && make -j8 && sudo make install
  3. aarch64-linux-android-gdb
  4. set sysroot
  5. target remote <android-ip-address>:<port-number>

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