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具有相似行为的第二个元素上的JS click事件不会触发

[英]JS click event on second element with similar behavior doesn't trigger

I'm having trouble getting some notification type elements to show and hide accordingly. 我无法让某些通知类型的元素显示和隐藏。 what i want to acomplish is have two or more popup elements show on page start. 我要完成的是在页面开始处显示两个或多个弹出元素。 then when clicking one element's ".alert-close" block, it shrinks and hides the content, leaving just the ".alert-open" block visible. 然后,当单击一个元素的“ .alert-close”块时,它会缩小并隐藏内容,仅使“ .alert-open”块可见。 then on clicking this block, it sizes back up and shows the content. 然后单击此块,它会重新调整大小并显示内容。 so far so good, this works. 到目前为止,一切正常。 same for the second element. 第二个元素相同。 closing and showing it works. 关闭并显示有效。 not for the tricky part. 不是棘手的部分。 When one of the elements is closed (minimized), i can't register the click on the second element (to minimize this one also). 当其中一个元素关闭(最小化)时,我无法注册对第二个元素的点击(也将其最小化)。 What am I missing? 我想念什么? i tried e.preventDefault() and e.stopPropagation() at the end of each query, didn't help. 我在每个查询的末尾尝试了e.preventDefault()和e.stopPropagation(),没有帮助。 I need to be able to register the click on any number of similar events. 我需要能够注册任意数量的类似事件的点击。

However, there is also the .alert-kill block, this one can be clicked and works on a the second element when the first one is mimized. 但是,还有一个.alert-kill块,当第一个元素被模仿时,可以单击它并在第二个元素上工作。

Second question, how could i automate this without needing to write the same js for two or more similar elements, only different by id? 第二个问题,我该如何自动化,而不必为两个或多个相似的元素编写相同的js,只是ID有所不同? (the code below is my test code, obviously writing js for each element by id is not correct, but since they have the same classes i cannot use these classes alone to detect the click event as it applies the changes to all elements, i just used two ids now to test the functionality with two elements) (下面的代码是我的测试代码,显然通过id为每个元素编写js是不正确的,但是由于它们具有相同的类,因此我无法单独使用这些类来检测click事件,因为它将更改应用于所有元素,我只是现在使用两个ID来测试具有两个元素的功能)

EDIT: removed ids and used just classes. 编辑:删除ID,仅使用类。 the code now looks like this: 现在的代码如下所示:

<script  src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.2.1.min.js" integrity="sha256-hwg4gsxgFZhOsEEamdOYGBf13FyQuiTwlAQgxVSNgt4=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

<div class="alert-container">
    <div id="alert-offer" class="alert-popup"> 
        <a class="alert-kill" href="#"><i class="fa fa-times-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i></a>          
        <div class="pull-left close-alert">         
            <a class="alert-close" href="#" title="click to shrink"><div class="alert-icon" style="background-image:url('new/images/alert-offer.png');"></div></a> 
            <a class="alert-open hide" href="#" title="click to expand"><div class="alert-icon" style="background-image:url('new/images/alert-offer.png');"></div></a>       
        <div class="row top-10 content-row">
           CONTENT 1

    <div id="alert-event" class="alert-popup"> 
        <a class="alert-kill" href="#"><i class="fa fa-times-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i></a>          
        <div class="pull-left close-alert">         
            <a class="alert-close" href="#" title="click to shrink"><div class="alert-icon" style="background-image:url('new/images/avatar.jpg');"></div></a> 
            <a class="alert-open hide" href="#" title="click to expand"><div class="alert-icon" style="background-image:url('new/images/avatar.jpg');"></div></a>       
        <div class="row top-10 content-row">
            CONTENT 2

var state = "open" ;
$(".alert-container").on("click", ".alert-popup .alert-close", function(e){    
    if (state !== "open")

    var $container = $(".alert-popup");            
    var $content = $(".alert-popup .content-row");

        "right": "-270px",
        "height": "40px",
        "transition": "all 1s ease 0s"
        "transform-origin":"0 0",
        "transition": "all 1s ease 0s"

    state = "close";
    $(".alert-popup .alert-open").removeClass("hide");

$(".alert-container").on("click", ".alert-popup .alert-open", function(e){    
    var state = "close";
    if (state === "open")
    var $container = $(".alert-popup");
    var $content = $(".alert-popup .content-row");
        "right": "0px",
        "height": "80px",
        "transition": "all 1s ease 0s"
        "transition": "all 1s ease 0s"
    state = "open";
    $(".alert-popup .alert-close").removeClass("hide");

$(".alert-container").on("click", ".alert-popup .alert-kill", function(e){            
$(".alert-container").on("click", ".alert-popup .alert-close", function(e){           
        var state = "open" ;
        if (state !== "open")

        var $container = $(e.target).closest(".alert-popup");           
        var $content = $container.find(".content-row");    
        var $alert = $container.find(".alert-open");        
            "right": "-270px",
            "height": "40px",
            "transition": "all 1s ease 0s"
            "transform-origin":"0 0",
            "transition": "all 1s ease 0s"

        state = "close";

    $(".alert-container").on("click", ".alert-popup .alert-open", function(e){            
        var state = "close" ;
        if (state === "open")
        var $container = $(e.target).closest(".alert-popup");           
        var $content = $container.find(".content-row");
        var $alert = $container.find(".alert-close");
            "right": "0px",
            "height": "80px",
            "transition": "all 1s ease 0s"
            "transition": "all 1s ease 0s"
        state = "open";

    $(".alert-container").on("click", ".alert-popup .alert-kill", function(e){  
        var $container = $(e.target).closest(".alert-popup");

This is the final and fully functioning code. 这是最终的且功能全面的代码。 in case anyone finds themselves in a similar situation, maybe it will make it easier to get to the correct solution 万一有人发现自己处在类似的情况下,也许它将使更容易找到正确的解决方案

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