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[英]puppet: Why is the file resource not created?

I have the following code on a manifest: 我在清单上有以下代码:

  $shutdown_script = '/etc/init.d/puppet-report-shutdown'                                                                                                       
  file { 'shutdown-script':                                                                                                                                     
    ensure => present,                                                                                                                                          
    path   => $shutdown_script,                                                                                                                                 
    owner  => 'root',                                                                                                                                           
    group  => 'root',                                                                                                                                           
    mode   => '0755',                                                                                                                                           
    source => 'puppet:///modules/puppet_agent/puppet-report-shutdown.sh'                                                                                        

  exec { 'chkconfig':                                                                                                                                           
    command => "chkconfig --add ${shutdown_script}",                                                                                                            
    require => File['shutdown-script']                                                                                                                          

The exec code is failing, because it cannot find the script: exec代码失败,因为它找不到脚本:

`Error: Failed to apply catalog: Validation of Exec[chkconfig] failed: 'chkconfig --add /etc/init.d/puppet-report-shutdown' is not qualified and no path was specified. Please qualify the command or specify a path. at /etc/puppet/environments/dev02/modules/puppet_agent/manifests/init.pp:50

The file resource is not being created, but I can't find why. 文件资源没有被创建,但是我找不到原因。 I tried running the agent with --debug , but there's nothing useful there (to the best of my knoledge, at least): 我尝试使用--debug运行代理,但是那里没有任何用处(至少据我所知):

Debug: /File[shutdown-script]/seluser: Found seluser default 'system_u' for /etc/init.d/puppet-report-shutdown
Debug: /File[shutdown-script]/selrole: Found selrole default 'object_r' for /etc/init.d/puppet-report-shutdown
Debug: /File[shutdown-script]/seltype: Found seltype default 'initrc_exec_t' for /etc/init.d/puppet-report-shutdown
Debug: /File[shutdown-script]/selrange: Found selrange default 's0' for /etc/init.d/puppet-report-shutdown

Any help would be appreciated. 任何帮助,将不胜感激。 Thanks 谢谢

There are actually a few problems here, but let us go through them sequentially. 这里实际上存在一些问题,但是让我们按顺序解决它们。

  1. ensure => file

The file resource should be specifying an ensure of file instead of present. file资源应指定fileensure ,而不是现有file That instructs Puppet more specifically as to what the type and content of the file on the node should be: 这会更具体地指示Puppet有关节点上file的类型和内容应为:

file { 'shutdown-script':                                                                                                                                     
  ensure => file,                                                                                                                                          
  path   => $shutdown_script,                                                                                                                                 
  owner  => 'root',                                                                                                                                           
  group  => 'root',                                                                                                                                           
  mode   => '0755',                                                                                                                                           
  source => 'puppet:///modules/puppet_agent/puppet-report-shutdown.sh'                                                                                        
  1. command => "/sbin/chkconfig --add ${shutdown_script}"

The exec resource either requires a full path to the command, or you can specify lookup paths with the path attribute. exec资源要么需要命令的完整路径,要么可以使用path属性指定查找路径。 In this case, the easiest solution is to provide the full path: 在这种情况下,最简单的解决方案是提供完整路径:

exec { 'chkconfig':                                                                                                                                           
  command => "/sbin/chkconfig --add ${shutdown_script}",                                                                                                            
  require => File['shutdown-script']                                                                                                                          

This is actually your root cause here. 这实际上是您在这里的根本原因。 The file is not being created because the Puppet agent is never actually applying your catalog because you have a compilation error: 由于存在编译错误,因此Puppet代理从未真正应用您的目录,因此未创建该文件:

Error: Failed to apply catalog: Validation of Exec[chkconfig] failed: 'chkconfig --add /etc/init.d/puppet-report-shutdown' is not qualified and no path was specified. 错误:无法应用目录:验证Exec [chkconfig]失败:'chkconfig --add /etc/init.d/puppet-report-shutdown'不合格且未指定路径。 Please qualify the command or specify a path. 请限定命令或指定路径。 at /etc/puppet/environments/dev02/modules/puppet_agent/manifests/init.pp:50 在/etc/puppet/environments/dev02/modules/puppet_agent/manifests/init.pp:50

  1. service

Instead of using exec to add the service, you can add and enable it with the enable attribute in the service resource. 您可以使用service资源中的enable属性添加并启用它,而不是使用exec添加service I would also recommend changing the require metaparameter to subscribe , because otherwise your changes to the service script will not be picked up by the system's service manager. 我还建议您更改require以进行subscribe ,因为否则您对服务脚本的更改将不会被系统的服务管理器接收。 With subscribe , Puppet will instruct the system to recognize and reconfigure the service if the script changes. 使用subscribe ,如果脚本更改,Puppet将指示系统识别并重新配置服务。 This is also a problem with your current exec resource. 这也是您当前的exec资源的问题。

service { 'puppet-report-shutdown':
  enable    => true,
  subscribe => File['shutdown-script'],

The error message clearly states the issue. 错误消息明确指出了问题所在。

Puppet needs the command to be " either fully qualified or a search path for the command must be provided ". 木偶需要命令“ 完全合格或必须提供命令的搜索路径 ”。

Either fully qualify your command like this: 可以像这样完全限定您的命令:

command => "/usr/sbin/chkconfig --add ${shutdown_script}",

or specify some path like this (usually when you're not sure where the command lies): 或指定这样的路径(通常在不确定命令所在的位置):

path => [ '/bin', '/sbin', '/usr/bin', '/usr/sbin' ],

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