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Django在Digital Ocean上

[英]Django on Digital Ocean

So I am beginner Django Developer and have been learning by developing local apps. 因此,我是Django Developer的初学者,并且一直在通过开发本地应用程序来学习。 I am looking to finally deploy something so people can use it. 我希望最终部署一些东西,以便人们可以使用它。 I have been looking around at various hosting providers and I am wondering what it's like using Digital Ocean for Django hosting. 我一直在寻找各种托管服务提供商,我想知道使用Digital Ocean进行Django托管的感觉如何。 Specifically what exactly is involved/required with managing a Django app on Digital Ocean. 具体来说,在Digital Ocean上管理Django应用到底涉及/需要什么。 Hostgator, which is another host I've been looking at, does not offer any "one-click" install for stuff like Nginx or anything else which I noticed Digital Ocean does have, so I would have to install that that as well as anything else I'd need myself. Hostgator是我一直在研究的另一台主机,它不提供任何“一键式”安装来安装Nginx之类的东西,或者我注意到Digital Ocean所具有的其他任何东西,因此我将必须安装该东西否则我会需要我自己。 I guess my question is after that one click install what is involved with managing a Django app on Digital Ocean? 我想我的问题是一键安装后,在Digital Ocean上管理Django应用程序会涉及什么? Do I have to learn how to do a ton of other stuff regarding managing a server and dealing with Nginx (I would have to do that on HostGator) or does that One-click install for Django handle all that? 我是否必须学习有关管理服务器和处理Nginx的大量其他事情(我必须在HostGator上完成)还是针对Django的一键安装能够处理所有这些? Also other than Django, are there any skills that I have to learn in order to be able to do this? 除Django外,我是否还需要学习一些技能才能做到这一点?

Digital Ocean is more than a hosting service, it's a development platform. Digital Ocean不仅是托管服务,还是一个开发平台。 Digital Ocean works around the element of "droplets", where each droplet is a virtual machine typically running a UNIX system. Digital Ocean围绕“小滴”元素工作,其中每个小滴都是通常运行UNIX系统的虚拟机。 Basically if you are looking for a service where you can both host a website and do some development, Digital Ocean may be the way to go, but it is not free. 基本上,如果您正在寻找一种既可以托管网站又可以进行某些开发的服务,则数字海洋可能是您的理想之选,但这并不是免费的。 But yes, you would have to configure everything yourself with regards to setting-up Django, proxies, and other network-related tasks. 但是,是的,您必须自行配置所有有关设置Django,代理和其他与网络相关的任务的信息。

If you are looking for an easier, alternative solution, you might want to take a look at Django on Heroku . 如果您正在寻找一种更简单的替代解决方案,则可能需要看一下Heroku上的Django

As far as I know, there are no one-click solutions for Django. 据我所知,没有针对Django的一键式解决方案。 There is an official tutorial , though, which is where I would start, along with a quick read in the Django docs . 不过,这里有一个官方教程 ,这是我的起点,并且可以快速阅读Django docs

My experience hosting small Django apps on DO has generally been good. 我在DO上托管小型Django应用的经验通常很好。 DO is very stable nowadays with no noticeable downtime (unless you must guarantee HA to your users, which I don't). 如今,DO非常稳定,没有明显的停机时间(除非您必须向用户保证HA,而我不能)。

I have been using Digital Ocean/DO for my Django deployment last 6 months and have a great experience. 过去6个月来,我一直在使用Digital Ocean / DO进行Django部署,并拥有丰富的经验。

I use Django On Click Django 1.8.7 in Ubuntu 16.04 Image for all my website development. 我在所有我的网站开发中都使用Ubuntu On 16.04 Image中的Django On Click Django 1.8.7。

Do provides extensive tutorials/documentations and very developer/tinker friendly. Do提供了广泛的教程/文档,并且对开发人员/修补程序都非常友好。 I was able to config my Do box Nginx to host 4 different websites on one single box and even manage to run a Ethereum node on it. 我能够将我的Do框Nginx配置为在一个盒子上托管4个不同的网站,甚至设法在其上运行一个以太坊节点。

I wrote this tutorial on How to Deploy Multiple Websites on 1 single DO Droplets - Tutorial Link 我写了关于如何在1个单个DO Droplet上部署多个网站的本教程- 教程链接

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