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设置 windows 标题栏的颜色 - electron.js

[英]set color of windows titlebar - electron.js

I would like to change the color of the titlebar for the windows version of my electron app.我想为我的 electron 应用程序的 windows 版本更改标题栏的颜色。 currently it is white, how do I change it to, for example, blue?目前它是白色的,如何将其更改为蓝色? 在此处输入图像描述

There's no way at the moment to customize the native titlebar.目前无法自定义原生标题栏。 So, first step is to hide the native titlebar by telling your BrowserWindow to hide the frame (that would also hide the menubar).因此,第一步是通过告诉 BrowserWindow 隐藏框架(这也将隐藏菜单栏)来隐藏本机标题栏。

mainWindow = new BrowserWindow({
    frame: false

see: https://electronjs.org/docs/api/browser-window见: https ://electronjs.org/docs/api/browser-window

Then, you should create your custom titlebar (or import a third party library like 1 or 2 ) in HTML, CSS and JS.然后,您应该在 HTML、CSS 和 JS 中创建自定义标题栏(或导入第三方库,如12 )。 That way, the titlebar lives under the renderer process in Electron.这样,标题栏就位于 Electron 的渲染器进程之下。 So, to actually for example quit your application when clicking the X button, you should take advantage of the IPC to send an event to the main process and quit the application.因此,实际上例如在单击 X 按钮时退出应用程序,您应该利用 IPC 向主进程发送事件并退出应用程序。


# renderer

# main
ipcMain.on('app:quit', () => { app.quit() })

Or as an alternative: look this answer here on StackOverflow或者作为替代方案: 在 StackOverflow 上查看此答案

actually now there is a way其实现在有办法
take a look here , a lot of electron apps use it so I think is a win win...看看这里,很多电子应用程序都使用它,所以我认为是双赢的......
just make sure to install this first只要确保先安装它

npm i custom-electron-titlebar

您必须隐藏窗口标题栏并在 html、css、js 中构建一个新的窗口标题栏。

There is an API for it. 它有一个API。 Haven't tried it yet. 尚未尝试过。 https://www.npmjs.com/package/electron-titlebar-windows https://www.npmjs.com/package/electron-titlebar-windows

const titlebar = new ElectronTitlebarWindows(#24628d);

something like that... 类似的东西......


Now can hide the title bar and set the color of buttons in Windows with:现在可以隐藏标题栏并设置 Windows 中按钮的颜色:

const { BrowserWindow } = require('electron')
const win = new BrowserWindow({
  titleBarStyle: 'hidden',
  titleBarOverlay: {
    color: '#2f3241',
    symbolColor: '#74b1be'

see Docs for more informations.有关更多信息,请参阅文档

Here is the Answer:-这是答案:-

// Create the browser window.
const mainWindow = new BrowserWindow({
    titleBarStyle: 'hidden',
    titleBarOverlay: {
        // color of titile bar
        color: '#3b3b3b',
        // color of titile bar control
        symbolColor: '#74b1be',
        // height of titile bar
        height: 32

Refence: Electron Docs参考: Electron 文档

mainWindow = new BrowserWindow({
    width: 1000,
    height: 800,
    titleBarStyle: "hiddenInset"

https://electronjs.org/docs/api/frameless-window https://electronjs.org/docs/api/frameless-window

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