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Oracle SQL中的日期格式

[英]DATE FORMAT in Oracle SQL

Below is my sample tables and the expected output and the corresponding query that I have return. 以下是我的示例表以及预期的输出和返回的相应查询。 I am running into DATE FORMAT ISSUES, When I try to get the Earliest date record from PROV table. 当我尝试从PROV表获取最早的日期记录时,我遇到了“日期格式问题”。 Please Let me know if this is not clear 请让我知道是否不清楚

select *
from   beau_prov beau
       join provi prov
            on  trim(beau.no) = trim(prov.prov_no)
where  prov.ins_dt =
       ( select min(ins_dt)
         from   provi prov
         where  trim(beau.no) = trim(prov.no)
         and    beau.year = to_char(to_date(ins_dt, 'MM/DD/YYYY HH:MI:SS PM', 'YYYY'), 'YYYY') )


NAME |  NO    | YEAR |
CAR  |  1234  | 2013 |
AUTO |  4356  | 2013 |


NO   |NUMBER | NAME  | INS_DT                 |
1234 |  987  |  ZZ   | 7/13/2013 11:36:05 PM  | 
1234 |  456  |  ZZ   | 12/31/2013 10:34:45 PM | 


CAR  |  1234  | 2013 |  987    | ZZ   |

If INS_DT is an Oracle date , then you can just insert it into another date column as it is. 如果INS_DT是Oracle date ,则可以直接将其插入到另一个date列中。

The formatting you are seeing is applied by the client application and is not part of the date value itself. 您看到的格式是由客户端应用程序应用的,而不是date值本身的一部分。

If it's supplied to your procedure as a string, then you would need to convert it to a date using to_date(ins_dt,'DD/MM/YYYY HH:MI:SS PM') . 如果将它作为字符串提供给您的过程,则需要使用to_date(ins_dt,'DD/MM/YYYY HH:MI:SS PM')将其转换为date

If INS_DT is an Oracle date and BEAU_PROV.YEAR is a string containing a 4-digit year, then you can join them using: 如果INS_DT是Oracle dateBEAU_PROV.YEAR是包含4位数字的年份的字符串,则可以使用以下命令加入它们:

and beau.year = to_char(ins_dt,'YYYY')

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