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[英]IIS Reverse-proxy and URL-Rewrite to rewrite URL to another folder in another internal webserver

Please, give me some advices how to implement the following by creating a URL-Rewrite rules. 请给我一些有关如何通过创建URL重写规则来实现以下建议的建议。 On the same machine I have: 在同一台计算机上,我有:

 1. IIS with "mysite.ddns.net/xxxxxx/" accessible via internet
 2. uTorrent with WebUI "" which is accessible only via LAN.

I made following rules: 我制定了以下规则:

<rule name="root to xxxxxx" enabled="true" stopProcessing="true">
    <match url="^$" />
    <action type="Redirect" url="/xxxxxx/" />

<rule name="http to https" enabled="true" stopProcessing="true">
    <match url="(.*)" />
        <add input="{HTTPS}" pattern="^OFF$" />
    <action type="Redirect" url="https://{HTTP_HOST}/{R:1}" />

<rule name="ReverseProxy_uTorrent_Inbound" enabled="true" stopProcessing="true">
    <match url="^utorrent/(.*)" />
    <action type="Rewrite" url="{R:1}" logRewrittenUrl="false" />
        <set name="HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING" value="" />

So, to access to uTorrent I need to type "mysite.ddns.net/utorrent/gui/" But it would be more comfortable to me to enter "mysite.ddns.net/utorrent/" . 因此,要访问uTorrent,我需要输入"mysite.ddns.net/utorrent/gui/"但输入"mysite.ddns.net/utorrent/"对我来说会更舒服。 I tried to replace the above rule with the following: 我尝试将以下规则替换为:

<rule name="ReverseProxy_uTorrent_Inbound_2" enabled="true" stopProcessing="true">
    <match url="^utorrent/" />
    <action type="Rewrite" url="" appendQueryString="true" logRewrittenUrl="true" />
        <set name="HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING" value="" />

but received very strange answer from the uTorrent 但收到了来自uTorrent的非常奇怪的答复

uTorrent µTorrent WebUI

and so on. 等等。

I already searched a lot, but unfortunately, I have not found a solution yet. 我已经搜索了很多,但不幸的是,我还没有找到解决方案。 Do you have any idea? 你有什么主意吗?

I didn't test it, but should work: 我没有测试它,但是应该可以工作:

<rule name="ReverseProxy_uTorrent_Inbound" enabled="true" stopProcessing="true">
    <match url="^utorrent/(.*)" />
    <action type="Rewrite" url="{R:1}" logRewrittenUrl="false" />
        <set name="HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING" value="" />

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