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[英]How to use subscription of GraphQL in Graphql.js

I am using relay-fullstack . 我正在使用relay-fullstack It's using GraphQL.js . 它使用GraphQL.js I want use subscription of GraphQL in GraphQL.js . 我想在GraphQL.js使用GraphQL的GraphQL.js But I can't find documents about subscription of GraphQL in GraphQL.js . 但是我在GraphQL.js中找不到有关GraphQL订阅的文档。
Can I use subscription of GraphQL in GraphQL.js ? 我可以在GraphQL.js中使用GraphQL的GraphQL.js吗?
Or does not it support that? 还是不支持?

Yes you can! 是的你可以! I created a simple repository based on Facebook relay-examples todo relay modern with subscriptions support (server and client), you can check it out, I might also improve it in the future: https://github.com/jeremy-colin/relay-examples-subscription 我基于Facebook Relay-examples创建了一个简单的存储库,它具有订阅支持(服务器和客户端),可以进行现代更新,您可以查看一下,将来我也可能会对其进行改进: https : //github.com/jeremy-colin/继电器的例子认购

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