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如何向Google Play控制台添加第二个In App订阅?

[英]How do I add a second In App Subscription to Google Play Console?

I am trying to use In App Subscriptions and have created and uploaded an APK to my Play Console. 我正在尝试使用In App Subscriptions,并已将APK创建并上传到我的Play控制台。 I had created two in app subscriptions but realized that they both had the same price as I was not thinking at the time I created them. 我创建了两个应用程序内订阅,但意识到它们的价格与创建它们时我没有想到的价格相同。 I went to change the subscription price for one of them but was unable to even though it was inactive so I deleted the subscription. 我去更改其中一个的订阅价格,但是即使它没有激活也无法更改,所以我删除了订阅。

I have been trying to create a second in app subscription but the following error message continues to display under Pricing: "You can't modify the price and billing period of a subscription after it is activated.". 我一直在尝试创建第二个应用程序订阅,但是“定价”下将继续显示以下错误消息:“激活订阅后,您将无法修改其价格和账单期。” I enter the title and description of the subscription, I enter the price I want for the subscription, but every time I go to save it says there is an error and the message in Pricing continues to display even though the subscription has not been activated. 我输入订阅的标题和说明,输入要订阅的价格,但是每次保存时,都会显示错误,并且即使未激活订阅,“定价”中的消息也会继续显示。

I am also NOT using the same Product ID as the one I deleted. 我也没有使用与我删除的产品相同的产品ID。 My app is set to ready for publish and I cannot see any error messages relating to the app. 我的应用程序已准备好发布,并且看不到任何与该应用程序相关的错误消息。

I cannot see any help in Google Documentation, StackOverflow or any other area using Google search. 在使用Google搜索的Google文档,StackOverflow或任何其他区域中,我看不到任何帮助。 Has anyone experienced this or know of a way to resolve this problem so I can have multiple subscriptions in my app? 有没有人遇到过这种情况或知道解决此问题的方法,以便我可以在我的应用程序中进行多个订阅?

So I found out that the reason I was unable to add a second subscription was due to the minimum default price. 因此,我发现无法添加第二个订阅的原因是由于最低默认价格。 The minimum price at this time is $0.99. 目前的最低价格为0.99美元。 My brain was not working and I was applying that minimum to the Australian price rather than the default price. 我的大脑无法正常工作,我将最低价格应用于澳大利亚价格而不是默认价格。 All sorted now. 现在全部排序。

Hopefully this might help someone else. 希望这可以帮助其他人。

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