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[英]Why can't I use ManagedProperty inside a function ?

I want to make the DB object be created only when it's required, so I want to do something like this 我想只在需要时才创建数据库对象,所以我想做这样的事情

public class Data {

public List<Group> getGroups(){
    List<Group> MyList=new ArrayList<Group>();
    Connection conn=null;
@ManagedProperty(value = "#{myConnection}")
myConnection getCon;


But that doesn't work, Instead I have to do it like this 但这是行不通的,相反,我必须这样做

public class Data {
@ManagedProperty(value = "#{myConnection}")
myConnection getCon;
public List<Group> getGroups(){
    List<Group> MyList=new ArrayList<Group>();
    Connection conn=null;


Why can't I make a managedProperty inside the function ? 为什么我不能在函数内部创建ManagedProperty? I thought about it and it should be okay to be outside since it'll be created when I create the object but is there anyway to make it inside the function ? 我考虑了一下,应该可以放在外面,因为它是在创建对象时创建的,但是无论如何都可以在函数内部创建它?

You can't use ManagedProperty annotation inside the function . 您不能在函数内部使用ManagedProperty批注。 It can be only used on a field. 它只能在字段上使用。 See the definition of the ManagedProperty below 请参阅下面的ManagedProperty的定义

public @interface ManagedProperty

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