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如何在Angle 4茉莉花测试用例中窥探服务方法

[英]How to spy service method in angular 4 jasmine test cases

I want to spy a method in service which is injected into the angular component. 我想在使用中侦察一种方法,该方法被注入到角度组件中。

My method in the component which I want to test is : 我要测试的组件中的方法是:

validateLogin() {
    console.log("Before calling validateLogin method,", this.form.value.Username, this.form.value.Password);
    this.loginService.validateLogin(this.form.value.Username, this.form.value.Password)
        .then(response => {
          console.log("Response,", response);
            if(response.SkipWelcomePage) {
            else this.router.navigateByUrl("/welcome");
        .catch(err => {
           this.errorMessage = err;

My test case for above method is : 我的上述方法的测试用例是:

it('should validate login', async(() => {

    const loginService = fixture.debugElement.injector.get(LoginService);
    spyOn(loginService,'validateLogin').and.returnValue(function (username, password) {
      return {SkipWelcomePage: false}

The test case is getting failed and the console log : console.log("Response,", response); 测试用例失败,控制台日志为: console.log("Response,", response); is not getting displayed and also there is no error in the console. 不会显示,并且控制台中也没有错误。

How can i resolve this issue? 我该如何解决这个问题?

First a bit of cleaner code. 首先是一些更简洁的代码。 It looks like you want to stub out the login service entirely, instead of using the real one and mocking a function. 似乎您想完全保留登录服务,而不是使用真正的登录服务并模拟功能。

Define an object in your initial setup called 'loginServiceMock': 在初始设置中定义一个名为“ loginServiceMock”的对象:

const loginServiceMock = jasmine.createSpyObj('LoginService', ['validateLogin']);

Then, in your list of providers, add: 然后,在提供商列表中,添加:

{provide: LoginService, useValue: loginServiceMock}

Then the problem you're having. 然后是您遇到的问题。 LoginService should return a Promise object, not a plain Typescript object, since you're calling the '.then()' on its result. LoginService应该返回Promise对象,而不是普通的Typescript对象,因为您要在其结果上调用'.then()'。 What you'll want to do is something like: 您想要做的是这样的:

loginServiceMock.validateLogin.and.returnValue(Promise.resolve({SkipWelcomePage: false});

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