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[英]Rendering multiple charts with React

I am a newbie to React, Highcharts and UI developing in general. 我是React,Highcharts和UI开发的新手。 I would like to render multiple charts from an array of data. 我想从一组数据中绘制多个图表。 Currently, the page displays only the last chart - from the last data in the array. 当前,页面仅显示最后一个图表-来自数组中最后一个数据。

function chartToRender(seriesArr){
 var Chart = React.createClass({
     // When the DOM is ready, create the chart.
     componentDidMount: function() {
       // Extend Highcharts with modules
       if (this.props.modules) {
         this.props.modules.forEach(function(module) {
       // Set container which the chart should render to.
       this.chart = new Highcharts[this.props.type || "Chart"](
     //Destroy chart before unmount.
     componentWillUnmount: function() {
     //Create the div which the chart will be rendered to.
     render: function() {
       return React.createElement('div', {
         id: this.props.container
   }), element2;

return seriesArr.map(application => 
 element2 = React.createElement(Chart, {
     container: 'stockChart',
     type: 'stockChart',
     options: {
       rangeSelector: {
         selected: 0
       title: {
         text: application.app_name + ' application Free Memory'
       tooltip: {
         style: {
           width: '200px'
         valueDecimals: 4,
         shared: true
         //categories : timeSeries,
         dateTimeLabelFormats : {
             millisecond: '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%L'
       yAxis: {
         title: {
           text: 'Free Memory'
       series: application.series



Currently, I am calling this function through the render function on the class 目前,我正在通过类上的render函数调用此函数

render() {

    var seriesArr = getSeriesArr(this.props)


        <div className="row">


How can I display all the charts on the page one below the other? 如何在页面上显示所有图表,一个又一个? the "seriesArr" variable has all the data required to render the charts. “ seriesArr”变量具有呈现图表所需的所有数据。

Try pushing your dynamically created Chart components into an array and then render the array. 尝试将动态创建的Chart组件推入数组,然后呈现该数组。 That should get you going in the right direction. 那应该使您朝正确的方向前进。

 let charts =[];
    charts =   seriesArr.map(application => 
    element2 = React.createElement(Chart, {
     container: 'stockChart',
     type: 'stockChart',
     options: {
       rangeSelector: {
         selected: 0
       title: {
         text: application.app_name + ' application Free Memory'
       tooltip: {
         style: {
           width: '200px'
         valueDecimals: 4,
         shared: true
         //categories : timeSeries,
         dateTimeLabelFormats : {
             millisecond: '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%L'
       yAxis: {
         title: {
           text: 'Free Memory'
       series: application.series

render() {   


            <div className="row">


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