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[英]C# byte arrays questions

I have a couple questions about byte arrays 我对字节数组有几个问题

My first question this is a byte array correct? 我的第一个问题是字节数​​组正确吗? byte[] array = {0x90, 0x38, 0x83, 0x49}

question 2 is would memorystream.ToArray(); 问题2是memorystream.ToArray(); produce the same as question 1 or am I wrong. 产生与问题1相同的结果或我错了。

If i am wrong how can i produce question 1 with question 2 or is it not possible? 如果我错了,我该如何将问题1和问题2相提并论?

Thank you 谢谢

Q1: byte[] array is an array of type "byte" which is commonly referred to as "byte array". Q1: byte[] array是类型为“ byte”的数组,通常称为“ byte array”。

Mind that byte is an alias for System.Byte . 注意该byteSystem.Byte的别名。 So you could come across Byte[] , which will also be referred to as "byte array". 因此,您可能会遇到Byte[] ,也将其称为“字节数组”。 ( Also mind, that this can be quite different in other languages like Java! ) (还要注意,这在其他语言(如Java)中可能会大不相同!)

Q2: MSDN says: Q2: MSDN说:

Writes the stream contents to a byte array, regardless of the Position property. 不管Position属性如何,将流内容写入字节数组。

So given the MemoryStream's contents are the bytes mentioned, then yes, you would get a byte array with the bytes of q1. 所以给定MemoryStream的内容是提到的字节,那么是的,您将获得一个带有q1字节的字节数组。

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