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Storm Ui 错误 kafka spout,未使用 HDP

[英]Storm Ui error kafka spout, not using HDP

I Have Storm 1.1.1 installed on my machine and on my other machine I'm using Kafka version我在我的机器上安装了 Storm 1.1.1,在我的另一台机器上我使用的是 Kafka 版本。 Both services are connected with Zookeeper version 3.4.6两个服务都连接Zookeeper 3.4.6版本

I succesfully deployed my topology, that looked like this:我成功部署了拓扑,如下所示:

public class SOTopology  {
    public static void main (String[] args ) throws Exception {
        final String brokers = args[0];
        final String kafkaTopic = args[1];
        final String mongo_uri = args[2];
        final String mongo_collection = args[3];
        TopologyBuilder topology = new TopologyBuilder();
        topology.setSpout("KafkaSpout",new KafkaSpout<>(KafkaSpoutConfig.builder(brokers, kafkaTopic).build()), 1);
        topology.setBolt("FilterBolt", new Filterbolt(),1).shuffleGrouping("KafkaSpout");
        topology.setBolt("TagCountBolt", new TagCountBolt(),1).shuffleGrouping("FilterBolt");
        topology.setBolt("TopicBolt", new TopicBolt(),1).shuffleGrouping("FilterBolt");
        topology.setBolt("MongoDBBolt",new MongoDBBolt(),1).shuffleGrouping("TagCountBolt").shuffleGrouping("TopicBolt");

        Config conf = new Config();
        conf.put("mongo.uri", mongo_uri);
        conf.put("mongo.collection", mongo_collection);

        StormSubmitter.submitTopology("StackOverflowTopology", conf, topology.createTopology());

When I go to my StormUI I get the following message Offset lags for kafka not supported for older versions. Please update kafka spout to latest version.当我转到我的 StormUI 时,我收到以下消息Offset lags for kafka not supported for older versions. Please update kafka spout to latest version. Offset lags for kafka not supported for older versions. Please update kafka spout to latest version. I am not using HDP but I'm already using the latest storm version and my storm-clients.jar and storm-kafka-client.jar are both for version 1.1.1.我没有使用 HDP,但我已经在使用最新的 Storm 版本,我的storm-clients.jar 和storm-kafka-client.jar 都是1.1.1 版。 Anyone Who has an idea how I can fix this?谁知道我如何解决这个问题?

EDIT: In the possible duplicate they are using HDP and they fixed it by just updating their HDP cluster.编辑:在可能的副本中,他们正在使用 HDP,他们通过更新他们的 HDP 集群来修复它。 Since I'm not running it on HDP, I can't really update my HDP cluster and I'm certain that my storm is the right version.因为我没有在 HDP 上运行它,所以我无法真正更新我的 HDP 集群,而且我确信我的 Storm 是正确的版本。

As mentioned in the linked question: The solution is upgrading to a recent version of the platform.如链接问题中所述:解决方案是升级到最新版本的平台。

In case you for some reason manage to avoid the distribution this was perhaps not possible/practical at time of asking the question but as we are several years later now it certainly is the case that you can upgrade.如果您出于某种原因设法避免分发,这在提出问题时可能是不可能/不切实际的,但正如我们几年后现在肯定可以升级的情况。 (And probably already have). (而且可能已经有了)。

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