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如何构建用于生产的Angular 4.3.6?

[英]How to build Angular 4.3.6 for production?

I have some questions about an Angular 4 app in production created with angular-cli which uses Webpack. 我对使用Webpack使用angular-cli创建的生产中的Angular 4应用有一些疑问。

Is ng build --prod --aot the best command for create the final bundle to deploy into a production environment? ng build --prod --aot是创建最终捆绑软件以部署到生产环境中的最佳命令吗?

If yes, is Tree shaking and AOT and Uglfy configured by default through angular-cli or am I supposed to configure these manually? 如果是,默认情况下是通过angular-cli配置“树木摇晃”以及“ AOT和Uglfy”还是应该手动配置这些?

Is there any other best practice or advice in bundling an Angular 4 app developed with angular-cli? 捆绑使用angular-cli开发的Angular 4应用程序时,还有其他最佳实践或建议吗?

I use @angular/cli version 1.3.1. 我使用@ angular / cli版本1.3.1。

You're very close. 你很亲密 According to the angular-cli documentation on this these are the settings used for the --prod flag: 根据有关此的angular-cli文档 ,这些是--prod标志使用的设置:

--aot true
--environment prod
--output-hashing all
--sourcemaps false
--extract-css true
--named-chunks   false

It also does this: 它还这样做:

  • Adds service worker if configured in .angular-cli.json. 如果在.angular-cli.json中配置,则添加服务工作者。
  • Replaces process.env.NODE_ENV in modules with the production value. 用生产值替换模块中的process.env.NODE_ENV。
  • Runs UglifyJS on the code. 在代码上运行UglifyJS。

So using ng build --prod is all you need to do and angular-cli will handle the rest. 因此,只需执行ng build --prod -cli将处理其余工作。

Is ng build --prod --aot the best command for create the final bundle to deploy in prodcution stage...? ng build --prod --aot是创建要在生产阶段部署的最终捆绑包的最佳命令吗?

I can be short about this, Yes 我可以简短地说,是的

If yes, is Tree shaking and AOT and Uglfy configured by default throught Angular-cli or i am supposed to configure it manually ? 如果是,默认情况下是通过Angular-cli配置树震动以及AOT和Uglfy还是我应该手动配置它?

You don't need to configure it manually. 您无需手动配置。 It's already there. 它已经在那里。

Is there's any other best method or advice to bundle an Angular 4 app developed via Angular-cli ...? 捆绑通过Angular-cli开发的Angular 4应用程序是否还有其他最佳方法或建议?

You can use the experimental option build-optimizer=true to further decrease you application size. 您可以使用实验性选项build-optimizer=true进一步减小应用程序大小。 Note, it is experimental. 注意,这是实验性的。

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