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[英]How to insert object with 2 collections into DB using mybatis

Until now I had object User with many Roles. 到目前为止,我的对象User具有许多角色。 When I was inserting it into DB, I 当我将其插入数据库时​​,我

<sql id="insertUserWithRoles">
    WITH inserted_user as (
    <include refid="insertUserWithoutRoles"/>
    insert into user_role values
    <foreach collection="user.authorities" index="index" item="role">
        <if test="index != 0">
        ((select id from inserted_user), (select id from role where role = #{role.role}))

insertUserWithoutRoles looks like this: insertUserWithoutRoles看起来像这样:

<sql id="insertUserWithoutRoles">
    INSERT INTO "user" (username, password, account_non_expired, account_non_locked, credentials_non_expired, enabled)
    VALUES (#{user.username}, #{user.password},#{user.accountNonExpired},#{user.accountNonLocked},#{user.accountNonLocked}, #{user.enabled})

All of this was working perfectly....until I decided to add List to user. 所有这一切都工作正常。...直到我决定将List添加到用户。 Now I have no clue how to insert this object into DB (PGSQL) using mybatis. 现在我不知道如何使用mybatis将对象插入DB(PGSQL)。

My User object looks like this: 我的用户对象如下所示:

public class User implements UserDetails, CredentialsContainer {
    private Integer id;
    private String username;
    private String password;
    private boolean accountNonExpired;
    private boolean accountNonLocked;
    private boolean credentialsNonExpired;
    private boolean enabled;
    private Set<BoostmeRole> authorities;
    private List<RemovedPermission> removedPermissions;

I Did try to wrap current insert into another with as, but it was not working. 我没有尝试用as将当前插入内容包装到另一个插入中,但是没有用。 My other tries are not even worth mentioning 我的其他尝试甚至都不值得一提

Table for object RemovedPermission is: 对象RemovedPermission的表为:

CREATE TABLE user_removed_permission
    user_id         INT NOT NULL,
    permission_id   INT NOT NULL,
    expiration_time TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NULL

This code works for PostrgeSQL 10.4 and MyBatis 3.4.6 该代码适用于PostrgeSQL 10.4和MyBatis 3.4.6

<insert id="create" parameterType="User">
    <selectKey keyProperty="id" keyColumn="id" resultType="int" order="BEFORE">
        SELECT nextval('users_id_seq');
    INSERT INTO users(id, name, password)
    VALUES (#{id}, #{name}, #{password});

    INSERT INTO users_roles(user_id, role_id) VALUES
    <foreach collection="roles" item="role" separator=",">
        (#{id}, (SELECT r.id FROM roles r WHERE r.name = #{role.name}))

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