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为什么函数重载在C ++中会产生模糊错误?

[英]Why does function overloading generate an ambiguous error in C++?

In the following code snippets, In function call f(1) , 1 is a literal of type int and in first function void f(double d) argument type is double and second function void f(short int i) argument type is short int . 在下面的代码片段中,在函数调用f(1)1int类型的文字,在第一个函数中void f(double d)参数类型是double和第二个函数void f(short int i)参数类型是short int

Here 1 is an int type not a double type, then Why does compiler generated ambiguous error? 这里1int类型而不是double类型,那么为什么编译器生成了模糊错误?

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

void f(double d)  // First function

void f(short int i) // Second function

int main()
    f(1); // 1 is a literal of type int
    return 0;

Because, as your comment notes, 1 is a literal of type int . 因为,正如您的注释所指出的那样, 1int类型的文字。

To the compiler, an implicit conversion of int to short int is equally as valid as an implicit conversion of int to double ( cf . the C++ language standard, §13.3). 对于编译器, intshort int的隐式转换与intdouble的隐式转换一样有效( 参见 C ++语言标准,§13.3)。

Thus, because the compiler can't decide between the double and short int overloads, it gives up and issues a diagnostic. 因此,因为编译器无法在doubleshort int重载之间做出决定,所以它会放弃并发出诊断信息。

Note that the magnitude of the function parameter doesn't matter: just the type. 请注意,函数参数的大小无关紧要:只是类型。

(It would be annoying if the compiler chose, at runtime, the short int overload if the calling argument was appropriate, and the double one in other instances.) (如果编译器在运行时选择了调用参数适当的short int重载,而在其他实例中选择了double ,则会很烦人。)

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