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[英]Escape strings/ inserting in php script

I'm trying to finish a script that connects to two databases, each on a different server, and preforms an update. 我正在尝试完成一个脚本,该脚本连接到两个数据库,每个数据库位于不同的服务器上,并执行更新。 Basically, the tables being selected from and inserted to are identical: I did a dump/import the other day. 基本上,从中选择和插入的表是相同的:前几天我进行了转储/导入。 The script needs to keep my local table up to date from the remote once since there will be daily records inserted into the remote one and I need to keep it up to date locally. 该脚本需要使我的本地表在远程数据库中保持最新状态,因为将有每日记录插入到远程数据库中,因此我需要在本地将其保持最新状态。

The key here is that I'm determining the new rows on the remote server by looking at the Auto-incremented Primary key that the tables share, SESSIONID . 这里的关键是,我通过查看表共享的自动递增主键SESSIONID来确定远程服务器上的新行。 I'm trying to get my loop below to say, if the id exists in remote server and not local, then insert those records in local server. 我试图在下面让我的循环说,如果该ID存在于远程服务器中而不是本地,则将这些记录插入本地服务器中。

I run the below script in powershell by typing php 'filename', and I get both of my successful connection messages, and then I get this message: Incorrect datetime value: '' for column 'ALERTINGTIMESTAMP' at row 1 . 我通过键入php'filename'在powershell中运行以下脚本,并且得到了两条成功的连接消息,然后得到此消息: Incorrect datetime value: '' for column 'ALERTINGTIMESTAMP' at row 1 In this record it's trying to insert, the datetime value is NULL, which the table allows for, however I'm worried it's an issue with escaping characters or something. 在此记录中,它试图插入,表中允许datetime值为NULL,但是我担心这是转义字符或其他问题。

How can I modify this to escape properly, or get these records inserted. 我该如何修改它以使其正常转义或插入这些记录。

Note: Replication and large dump/import/table recreations are not an option for us in this situation. 注意:在这种情况下,复制和大型转储/导入/表重新创建不是我们的选择。 We have several similar scripts to this running and we want to keep the same process here. 我们有几个与此运行类似的脚本,我们希望在此处保持相同的过程。 I'm merely looking to resolve these errors or have someone give me a more efficient way of coding this script, perhaps using a max id or something along those lines. 我只是想解决这些错误,或者让某人给我一种更有效的编码此脚本的方法,也许使用max id或类似的方法。

Here's the script: 这是脚本:

      ini_set('memory_limit', '256M');

      // Create connection
      $conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password);
      $conn2 = new mysqli($servername2, $username2, $password2);

      // Check connection
      if ($conn->connect_error) {
          die("Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error);
      echo "Connected successfully";

      // Check connection2
      if ($conn2->connect_error) {
          die("Connection failed: " . $conn2->connect_error);
      echo "Connected successfully";

    $latest_result = $conn2->query("SELECT MAX(`SESSIONID`) FROM `ambition`.`session`");
    $latest_row = $latest_result->fetch_row();
    $latest_session_id = $latest_row[0];

    //Select All rows from the source phone database
    $source_data = mysqli_query($conn, "SELECT * FROM `cdrdb`.`session` WHERE `SESSIONID` > $latest_session_id");

      // Loop on the results
      while($source_item = $source_data->fetch_assoc()) {

          // Check if row exists in destination phone database
          $row_exists = $conn2->query("SELECT SESSIONID FROM ambition.session WHERE SESSIONID = '".$source_item['SESSIONID']."' ") or die(mysqli_error($conn2));

              //if query returns false, rows don't exist with that new ID.
             if ($row_exists->num_rows == 0){

                    //Insert new rows into ambition.session
                    VALUES ('".$source['SESSIONID']."' ,
                            '".$source['SESSIONTYPE']."' ,
                            '".$source['CALLINGPARTYNO']."' ,

Like Pankaj said, try something like this: 就像Pankaj所说的那样,尝试这样的事情:

//Insert new rows into ambition.session
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ...);');
$statement->bindParam(1, $source['SESSIONID']);
$statement->bindParam(2, $source['SESSIONTYPE']);
$statement->bindParam(3, $source['CALLINGPARTYNO']);

You have to use prepare() function to use parameterized query. 您必须使用prepare()函数来使用参数化查询。 Here I have taken example of your query with few parameters you can add yourself with other variables. 在这里,我以带有少量参数的查询为例,您可以添加其他变量。


$stmt->bindParam(':SESSIONID', $source['SESSIONID']);
$stmt->bindParam(':SESSIONTYPE', $source['SESSIONTYPE']);
$stmt->bindParam(':CALLINGPARTYNO', $source['CALLINGPARTYNO']);

You can checkout this link for more understanding. 您可以签出此链接以了解更多信息。 http://php.net/manual/en/mysqli.prepare.php http://php.net/manual/en/mysqli.prepare.php

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