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Power BI:基于少量表的数据值

[英]Power BI: Data value based on few tables

I need to model data related with studying people (or potential students). 我需要对与研究人员(或潜在学生)相关的数据进行建模。

All the contact data with unique ID is stored in one table, contacts who are interested in studying (filled form, are completing documents, etc.) until they sign the contract for studying are stored in table with "Candidates" where single contact may appear more then once (ex. few specializations). 所有具有唯一ID的联系人数据都存储在一个表中,有兴趣学习的联系人(填写表格,填写文件等)直到他们签署学习合同,都存储在带有“候选对象”的表中,其中可能会出现单个联系人然后再增加一次(例如,很少专业化)。 When someone will sign the contract new entry will be created (linked by contact ID) in "Students" table, where again one contact may study on more then one course or have finished one earlier and is now taking another - it will have different DIDACTICS status then; 当某人将签署合同时,将在“学生”表中创建新条目(通过联系人ID链接),在该表中,一个联系人可能再次学习一门课程,或者更早完成了一门课程,而现在又选择另一门课程-它将具有不同的DIDACTICS状态 which will again lead to one to many relation. 这将再次导致一对多的关系。

I need to be able to count and show in one place (preferably in form of funnel) amount of people at each stage (preferably also indicate amount of duplicated entries): Prospect -> Interested -> Candidate -> Student depending on conditions: - Prospect will just exist in contacts, - Interested will have date of form submission - Candidate will have date of confirmation and status collecting documents [Those can be found in table related with Candidates] - Student will have contract signed and one of few statuses of didactics (here I have problem with IF statement which has to check if DIDACTICS status is one of statuses in other table where STUDENT = True, because of situation where one ID may have few statuses) - None of the statuses above should have Resignation date filled (maybe except Prospect) 我需要能够统计并显示每个阶段在一个地方(最好以漏斗形式)的人数(最好还指出重复条目的数量):前景->有兴趣->候选人->学生,具体取决于条件:-潜在客户将只存在于联系人中,-感兴趣的人将有提交表格的日期-候选人的将有确认日期和状态收集文件[可在与候选人有关的表中找到]-学生将签署合同,并且是几种教学方式之一(在这里,我的IF语句有问题,由于一个ID可能只有很少的状态,因此必须检查DIDACTICS状态是否为STUDENT = True的其他表中的状态之一)-上面的任何一个状态都不应该填写辞职日期(也许除了前景)

When I'll have the counts for each group (later on they will be segmented inside each group by profile of client), I want to present it as funnel with additional information about CONVERSION rate (%) between each funnel segment. 当我得到每个组的计数时(以后它们将按客户的个人资料在每个组内进行细分),我想将其显示为漏斗,并提供每个漏斗段之间有关转化率(%)的其他信息。

Any ideas how to deal with it? 有什么想法如何处理吗?

Thank you in advance, You're always amazing. 预先谢谢您,您总是很棒。

PS For now i have added column nested IF which almost work, except: PS目前,我已经添加了列嵌套的IF,它几乎可以工作,除了:

A single value for column 'Didactics_Status__c' in table 'Rekrutacja' cannot be determined. 无法确定表“ Rekrutacja”中列“ Didactics_Status__c”的单个值。

It goes like this: 它是这样的:

onPath = IF(ISBLANK(MIN(Rekrutacja[Resignation_Date__c]));
    IF(NOT(Rekrutacja[Didactics_Status__c] IN {"break in education";"dean's leave";"OK";"resit";"semester start in progress";"transferred"});

It sounds to me like you have the columns figured out. 在我看来,您似乎已经找出了各栏。 Just need to be able to count the amount of students at each stage. 只需要能够计算每个阶段的学生人数即可。

Create a calculated column and just do =SUM(xyz) for each. 创建一个计算列,并对每个列执行= SUM(xyz)。 If you need conditions, nest it inside the SUM. 如果需要条件,请将其嵌套在SUM中。

Alternatively to nesting if statements, I would do a case/switch. 除了嵌套if语句之外,我还会执行一个case / switch。 It looks better. 看起来更好。

Month = SWITCH('Table1'[CalendarMonth], 
    1, "January",
    2, "February",
    3, "March",
    4, "April",
    5, "May",
    6, "June",          
    7, "July",  
    8, "August",  
    9, "September",  
    10, "October",    
    11, "November",
    12, "December"

To create a funnel, you're going to need to have the overall amount of students. 要创建一个渠道,您需要拥有全部学生。 Should just be a count of the IDs. 应该只是ID的计数。

Then you take your SUM and divide it by the total count of IDs. 然后,将您的SUM除以ID总数。

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