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[英]How to use moment.updateLocale twice correctly?

I try to moment.updateLocale twice in different functions. 我尝试在不同的函数中两次使用moment.updateLocale。

I expect the code to print 我希望代码可以打印

Today1 12:00 am
Today2 12:00 am

But right now it prints 但是现在它打印

Today at 12:00 AM
Today1 12:00 am

jsbin jsbin

function showTime1(dateTime) {
  moment.updateLocale('en', {
    calendar : {
      sameDay : '[Today1] h:mm a'

  return dateTime.calendar();

function showTime2(dateTime) {
  moment.updateLocale('en', {
    calendar : {
      sameDay : '[Today2] h:mm a'

  return dateTime.calendar();


I found that I should use calendar directly in this case. 我发现在这种情况下我应该直接使用calendar The API document is here . API文档在这里

jsbin jsbin

function showTime1(dateTime) {
  return dateTime.calendar(null, {
    sameDay: '[Today1] h:mm a'

function showTime2(dateTime) {
  return dateTime.calendar(null, {
    sameDay: '[Today2] h:mm a'


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