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[英]golang error: fatal error: all goroutines are asleep deadlock

I want to develop a simple email sender in Go, but I have encountered some problems, This is my actual code: 我想在Go中开发一个简单的电子邮件发件人,但是遇到了一些问题,这是我的实际代码:

package main

import (

var logLevel = 0

func sendEmail(try combo){
        fmt.Printf("test send %s %s %s\n", try.to, try.from, try.subject)

// where we actually do the work
func work(toSend chan combo, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
    for send := range toSend {

    // let the main thread know we're done

// the basic unit that we pass around
type combo struct {
    to       string
    from     string
    subject  string
    header   string
    body     string
    success bool

func main() {

    //defaults variables
    emailsList, smtpList        := "", ""  
    typeConnect, ConnFileName  := "", ""
    delimStart, delimEnd       := "_STARTSUB_", "_ENDSUB_"
    threads, bcc := 5,  1
    skip := 0
    logFile := ""

    // Args parse
    flag.StringVar(&emailsList, "e", "", "load email list (required)") 
    flag.StringVar(&smtpList, "s", "", "load smtp list - (required)")
    flag.IntVar(&bcc, "b", 1, "number of emails sent per connection")
    flag.IntVar(&threads,"t", 2, "run `N` attempts in parallel threads")
    flag.StringVar(&typeConnect, "c", "","direct - send emails directly through smtp\n"+"\tsocks - send emails through smtp via socks5 [requires -f argument]\n"+"\thosts - send emails through smtp via server's ip addresses [requires -f argument]\n")
    flag.StringVar(&ConnFileName, "f", "", "if sending via socks the list should contain socks5 proxies in the following formats\n"+"\tip:port\n"+"\tip:port:user:pass\n")
    flag.StringVar(&delimStart, "q", "_STARTSUB_", "start delimiter for subject.")
    flag.StringVar(&delimEnd, "w", "_ENDSUB_", "end delimiter for subject.")
    flag.IntVar(&skip, "l", 0, "skip first `n` lines of input")
    flag.StringVar(&logFile, "debug", "", "write debug output to `file`")
    flag.IntVar(&logLevel, "d", 0, "set debug `level`")


    var wg sync.WaitGroup // keep track of the workers
    toSend := make(chan combo) // to the workers

    // initialize n workers
    for i := 0; i < int(threads); i++ {
        go work(toSend, &wg)

    for email := range StreamLines("EMAILS", emailsList, skip) {

        from := "info@testfrom.com"
        subject := "test subject"
        header := "test header"
        body   := "test boady"

        try := combo{email,from, subject, header, body, false}
        toSend <- try


    fmt.Println("Send emails Done!")

I'm try to use channels for pass email to workers in golang, and return this error: 我尝试使用渠道向golang中的工作人员传递电子邮件,并返回此错误:

F:\dev\GoLang\gitlab\EasySend>go run main.go usage.go utils.go  -e emails.txt
test send test@gmail.com info@testfrom.com test subject
test send test@gmail.com info@testfrom.com test subject
test send test@gmail.com info@testfrom.com test subject
test send test@gmail.com info@testfrom.com test subject
test send test@gmail.com info@testfrom.com test subject
test send test@gmail.com info@testfrom.com test subject
test send test@gmail.com info@testfrom.com test subject
fatal error: all goroutines are asleep - deadlock!

goroutine 1 [semacquire]:
        C:/Go/src/runtime/sema.go:56 +0x40
        C:/Go/src/sync/waitgroup.go:131 +0x79
        F:/dev/GoLang/gitlab/EasySend/main.go:90 +0x7af

goroutine 18 [chan receive]:
main.work(0xc04203e0c0, 0xc04204c0f0)
        F:/dev/GoLang/gitlab/EasySend/main.go:19 +0x110
created by main.main
        F:/dev/GoLang/gitlab/EasySend/main.go:76 +0x5db

goroutine 19 [chan receive]:
main.work(0xc04203e0c0, 0xc04204c0f0)
        F:/dev/GoLang/gitlab/EasySend/main.go:19 +0x110
created by main.main
        F:/dev/GoLang/gitlab/EasySend/main.go:76 +0x5db
exit status 2

I want to know where I'm wrong? 我想知道我错了吗? Way return this error 方式返回此错误

"fatal error: all goroutines are asleep - deadlock!" “致命的错误:所有goroutine都在睡觉-死锁!”

The program deadlocks because main is waiting for the goroutines to complete and the goroutines are waiting for work on the channel. 程序死锁是因为main正在等待goroutine完成,而goroutine正在等待通道上的工作。 To fix the problem, swap the order of these lines in main 要解决此问题,请在main中交换这些行的顺序




When the channel is closed, the for loop on the channel in the workers exit and the workers call wg.Done(). 当通道关闭时,工作程序中通道上的for循环退出,工作程序调用wg.Done()。

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