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[英]How to get and show data in ionic?

I'm new to ionic and having a hard time to get data from alert inputs and showing them to another page. 我是ionic的新手,很难从警报输入中获取数据并将其显示到另一页。 I'm making a button that shows alert, then you can input the time (I don't know how to use datetime in ionic) and a randomizes of number. 我正在制作一个显示警报的按钮,然后您可以输入时间(我不知道如何在ionic中使用datetime)和一个随机数字。 Then showing all inputs to another page. 然后显示所有输入到另一页。


 <ion-content padding>
  <button ion-button id="id" (click)="sample;" [disabled]="disabled">1</button>



let alert = this.alertCtrl.create({
title: 'Confirm Park',
message: 'Do you want to park this slot?',
inputs: [
    name: 'Time',
    placeholder: 'Input Time', 

    name: 'Code',
    placeholder: 'Random Number'
    name: 'Date',
    placeholder: 'MM/DD/YY'

buttons: [
    text: 'Cancel',
    role: 'cancel',
    handler: () => {
      console.log('Cancel clicked');

     text: 'Confirm',
    handler: data => {
             this.buttonColor1 = 'red'
      console.log('Confirm clicked');
      this.disabled = true;

      this.navCtrl.push(ResultPage, {result:name}, alert);

You can get the data from the fields in the confirm handler. 您可以从确认处理程序中的字段获取数据。 You should be able to just pass the data variable to the next page, which should include data.Time, data.Code and data.Date. 您应该能够将data变量传递到下一页,该变量应该包括data.Time,data.Code和data.Date。

  this.navCtrl.push(ResultPage, {result: data});

On your ResultPage you can just use navParams ( http://ionicframework.com/docs/api/navigation/NavParams/ ) to retrieve the result data that you passed. 在ResultPage上,您可以仅使用navParams( http://ionicframework.com/docs/api/navigation/NavParams/ )来检索您传递的结果数据。

result = this.navParams.get('result');

Alerts can also include Radios, checkboxes and text inputs , but they cannot be mixed. 警报还可以包括收音机,复选框和文本输入,但不能混在一起。 In addition, you can not use datetime picker in it. 此外, 您不能在其中使用日期时间选择器

Do note however, different types of "text"" inputs can be mixed, such as url, email, text, etc. If you require a complex form UI which doesn't fit within the guidelines of an alert. 但是请注意,可以混合使用不同类型的“文本”输入,例如url,电子邮件,文本等。如果需要复杂的表单UI,该UI不适合警报的准则。

If you want to use different inputs such as datetime or html inputs it is recommended that you must create the form within a modal instead. 如果要使用其他输入(例如datetime或html输入),建议您必须在模式中创建表单

datetime.html datetime.html


<ion-content padding>

      <ion-label>Full Date</ion-label>
      <ion-datetime displayFormat="DDDD MMM D, YYYY" min="2005" max="2100" [(ngModel)]="myFullDAte"></ion-datetime>

      <ion-datetime displayFormat="hh:mm A" [(ngModel)]="myTime"></ion-datetime>



ts file ts文件

import { ModalController, NavParams } from 'ionic-angular';

class MyPage {

 constructor(public modalCtrl: ModalController) { }

 presentModal() {
   let myModal = this.modalCtrl.create(Datetime);


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