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[英]Adding file to jlist

Adding file to jlist, I add to jframe, one jbutton, one jtextview and one jlist, I add file .txt but effectlly to jtextview ex: C:/Windows/file.txt 添加文件到jlist,我添加到jframe,一个jbutton,一个jtextview和一个jlist,我添加文件.txt,但实际上添加到jtextview,例如:C:/Windows/file.txt

JList.add(JList, null);

But theres something went wrong 但是出了点问题

Thank 谢谢

You need to work with the List Model for your JList. 您需要使用JList的列表模型。 You can't just directly add to a JList like you've done since the JList is so versatile to handle all sorts of Objects. 您不能像已经完成的那样直接将其添加到JList中,因为JList具有处理各种对象的通用性。 It's a little more complicated than that. 比这复杂一点。

First you want to make sure your JList actually contains a Default List Model: 首先,您要确保您的JList实际上包含一个默认列表模型:

// Make sure the JList contains a List Model
try { 
    DefaultListModel dlm = (DefaultListModel)yourJListName.getModel(); 
catch (Exception e) {
    // Nope...so let's set one.
    yourJListName.setModel(new DefaultListModel()); 

Now that your sure your JList contains a List Model you can add items to it. 现在,确保JList包含列表模型,您可以向其中添加项目。

// Get the current List Model for your JList
DefaultListModel dlm = (DefaultListModel)yourJListName.getModel();
// Declare a list to represent it.
JList list = new JList(dlm);
// Get the last position within the List so
// as to append to it.
int pos = list.getModel().getSize();
// Add the text from the JTextField into your JList.
dlm.add(pos, yourJTextFieldName.getText());

Perhaps create a Method to do the adding for you: 也许创建一个方法为您做添加:

public void addToJList(JList yourJList, String stringToAdd) {
    // Make sure the JList contains a List Model
    try { 
        DefaultListModel dlm = (DefaultListModel)yourJList.getModel(); 
    catch (Exception e) {
        // Nope...so let's set one.
        yourJList.setModel(new DefaultListModel()); 

    // Get the current List Model for your JList
    DefaultListModel dlm = (DefaultListModel)yourJList.getModel();
    // Declare a list to represent it.
    JList list = new JList(dlm);
    // Get the last position within the List so
    // as to append to it.
    int pos = list.getModel().getSize();
    // Add the text from the JTextField into your JList.
    dlm.add(pos, stringToAdd);

And how you might use it: 以及如何使用它:

addToJList(yourJListName, yourJTextFieldName.getText());

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