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在我的 iOS 应用程序中访问设备的所有照片

[英]Access all photos of device in my iOS App

I want to take all photos and videos from device Photos app and show it in my app.我想从设备照片应用程序中拍摄所有照片和视频并将其显示在我的应用程序中。 First of all is Apple allowing for the same or not?首先,苹果是否允许相同? If yes how i can i do that, is Photoframework useful for that?如果是,我该怎么做,Photoframework 对此有用吗?

The fastest to implement and easiest way to use if you just want to pick some photos from the user's phone is the UIImagePickerController .如果您只想从用户的手机中挑选一些照片,最快的实现和最简单的使用方法是UIImagePickerController

However, if you really want to show the assets or the photos of a device into your app and not just to pick some assets, you will need to learn and use the Photos Framework .但是,如果您真的想将设备的资产或照片显示到您的应用程序中,而不仅仅是挑选一些资产,您将需要学习和使用照片框架 You'll know how to fetch PHAssets from the device and use them into your app.您将知道如何从设备中获取PHAssets并将它们用于您的应用程序。

There are lots of tutorials around the web, like so: http://nshipster.com/phimagemanager/网上有很多教程,像这样: http : //nshipster.com/phimagemanager/

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