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如何更改vim ruby​​版本

[英]How to change vim ruby version

I am a noob to vim and am wanting to use the command-t plugin, got really used to that in atom. 我是vim的菜鸟,我想使用command-t插件,在atom中真的习惯了。 I have done everything in the github repo but am unable to follow how to change the version of ruby that my vim is using. 我已经完成了github repo中的所有操作,但无法按照如何更改我的vim正在使用的ruby版本。 When I try to use the command-t it throws this error... 当我尝试使用command-t会抛出此错误...

command-t could not load the C extension.
VIM Ruby version 2.0.0-p648
Expected version 2.4.1-p111
for more information type:   :help command-t

Except like I said, I'm having a hard time following the help on the repo and there it tells me that there is no help for command-t. 除了我说的话,我很难跟上回购的帮助,并告诉我命令没有帮助。 So my question is, what is the best way to change my vim version? 所以我的问题是,改变我的vim版本的最佳方法是什么?

Try the following: 请尝试以下方法:

  1. $ cd ~/.vim/bundle/command-t/ruby/command-t/
  2. $ rbenv local system
  3. $ ruby extconf.rb
  4. $ make clean
  5. $ make

Taken from this post. 摘自这篇文章。 I've had this problem before and these steps worked for me. 我之前遇到过这个问题,这些步骤对我有用。

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