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[英]localStorage - save input value after Spotify Access Token refresh

I'm making a ReactJS app and I'm trying to save the search input value after my Spotify API refreshes and gets the access token. 我正在制作一个ReactJS应用程序,并试图在我的Spotify API刷新并获取访问令牌之后保存搜索输入值。 For example, here are the steps: 例如,以下是步骤:

  1. Learner searches a term 学习者搜索词
  2. The Spotify API goes fetches the access token and refreshes the page Spotify API去获取访问令牌并刷新页面

From step two, I would like the search term to be still inside the search input field (after the refresh). 从步骤二,我想搜索词是静静的搜索输入字段(刷新之后)

Here is my attempt: 这是我的尝试:


    this.state = {
        term: ''


    document.getElementById('search-input') = window.localStorage['term'];

... ...

    window.localStorage['term'] = this.state.term;

... ...

        return (
                  <input id="search-input" onChange={this.handleTermChange} autoFocus/>
                  <a id="search" onClick={this.search}>SEARCH</a>

Thanks for the help! 谢谢您的帮助!

Rather than setting and getting your localStorage value with window.localStorage['term'] , you'll want to use the built-in get and set methods. 与其使用window.localStorage['term']设置和获取您的localStorage值,不如使用内置的getset方法。

localStorage.setItem(key, value)

Here's an example from MDN. 这是来自MDN的示例。

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