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[英]Prevent direct file access to server files in tornado

I'm using python with tornado webserver. 我在龙卷风网络服务器上使用python。 the application works fine but I can't find a way to prevent the user on accessing server files directly via url. 该应用程序运行正常,但我找不到阻止用户直接通过url访问服务器文件的方法。 for example I have the following files in the server: 例如,我在服务器中有以下文件:

program.py program.py
index.html 的index.html
main.html main.html中

i wanted to prevent the user from accessing the above server files directly via web url 我想防止用户直接通过网址访问上述服务器文件
ex: localhost:8080/program.py or /index.html 例如:localhost:8080 / program.py或/index.html

i only wanted them to access localhost:8080/ or /home 我只希望他们访问localhost:8080 /或/ home

Thanks in advance 提前致谢

from ws4py.client.tornadoclient import TornadoWebSocketClient
import tornado.ioloop
import tornado.web
import tornado.websocket
import tornado.template

class MainHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):

    def get(self):
            loader = tornado.template.Loader(".")
        except Exception as e:
            print("exception occured", e)

class CWSHandler(tornado.websocket.WebSocketHandler):
    global  waiters

    def open(self):
        print('###FUNCTION CWSHandler.open(self) start')

    def on_close(self):
        print('###FUNCTION CWSHandler.open(self) close')

    def on_message(self, message):
        print('###FUNCTION CWSHandler.on_message msg:', message)

settings = {
    "cookie_secret": "bZJc2sWbQLKos6GkHn/VB9oXwQt8S0R0kRvJ5/xJ89E=",
    "login_url": "/",

application = tornado.web.Application(handlers=[
    (r'/', MainHandler),    
    (r'/cws', CWSHandler),

    (r"/(.*)", tornado.web.StaticFileHandler,{'path':'./'})
    ], cookie_secret="bZJc2sWbQLKos6GkHn/VB9oXwQt8S0R0kRvJ5/xJ89E=")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    server = tornado.httpserver.HTTPServer(application)

    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        print("Keyboard interupt")

The problem is with your urls, specifically: 问题出在您的网址,特别是:

(r"/(.*)", tornado.web.StaticFileHandler,{'path':'./'})

You have mapped r'/(.*)' to {'path': './'} , which is your project directory. 您已经将r'/(.*)'映射到{'path': './'} ,这是您的项目目录。 So, if a request comes in like localhost:8080/program.py , it will be matched with this - /(.*) and tornado will then look for a file named program.py in your project directory. 因此,如果一个请求像localhost:8080/program.py一样/(.*) ,它将与此- localhost:8080/program.py /(.*)匹配,然后龙卷风将在您的项目目录中查找名为program.py的文件。 If it finds it there, it will serve that file. 如果在此找到它,它将提供该文件。

You should keep all your static files in a separate directory called static (you can name it anything you want, though) inside your project dir. 您应该将所有静态文件保存在项目目录中一个单独的目录中,该目录称为static (尽管您可以命名为任意名称)。 Then map this directory with the desired url. 然后使用所需的URL映射此目录。

Example: 例:

(r"/(.*)", tornado.web.StaticFileHandler,{'path': 'static'})

Or better yet, serve that directory under a /static/ url instead of - .* . 或者更好的是,在/static/ url下而不是- .*下提供该目录。

(r"/static/(.*)", tornado.web.StaticFileHandler,{'path': 'static'})

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