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[英]Vuex freezes on bulk mutations

I have the following Vuex store that I use to store chart objects retrieved from my backend using Axios. 我有以下Vuex商店,用于存储使用Axios从我的后端检索的图表对象。

const getters = {
    charts( state ) { return _.without( state.charts, undefined ); },
    chart( state ) { return id => state.charts.find( c => { return c.id === id; } ) }
const actions = {
    getCharts( { commit, rootState } ) {
        // Load data from server
        return api.get( rootState.Laravel.api_url + '/chart' )
            .then( ( response ) => { 
                // Store the returned data
                _.forEach( response.data.data, function( chart ) {
                    commit( 'STORE_CHART', chart );
            .catch( ( error ) => console.log( error ) );
const mutations = {
    STORE_CHART( state, chart ) {
        Vue.set( state.charts, chart.id, Object.freeze( chart ) );

The store works fine, but as soon as I open the VueDevtools and call getCharts() again, the whole browser freezes. 该商店工作正常,但只要我打开VueDevtools并再次调用getCharts(),整个浏览器就会冻结。 I guess this is because I'm updating the store in bulk and the devtools can't track all these changes (150 - 200 objects). 我想这是因为我正在批量更新商店,而devtools无法跟踪所有这些更改(150 - 200个对象)。

Is there something I'm doing wrong? 有什么我做错了吗? Is there a better way to bulk update objects in a Vuex store? 有没有更好的方法来批量更新Vuex商店中的对象?

Instead of commuting a mutation for each chart in your forEach() you can directly pass the response.data.data as a payload to STORE_CHART` mutation and apply the forEach in the mutation itself 您可以直接将response.data.data作为有效负载传递给STORE_CHART`变异,并将forEach应用于变异本身,而不是为forEach()每个chart换一个变异。

const actions = {
    getCharts( { commit, rootState } ) {
        // Load data from server
        return api.get( rootState.Laravel.api_url + '/chart' )
            .then( ( response ) => { 
                // Store the returned data
                commit( 'STORE_CHART', response.data.data );
            .catch( ( error ) => console.log( error ) );
const mutations = {
    STORE_CHART( state, charts ) {
          _.forEach( charts, function( chart ) {
                Vue.set( state.charts, chart.id, Object.freeze( chart ) );

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