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如何从Rust FFI创建和返回C ++结构?

[英]How to create and return a C++ struct from Rust FFI?

I'm trying to create and return a C++ struct. 我正在尝试创建并返回C ++结构。 I am currently getting a cannot move out of dereference of raw pointer error when I try to compile. 当我尝试编译时,我当前cannot move out of dereference of raw pointer错误cannot move out of dereference of raw pointer Any idea how I can make this work? 知道如何使这项工作有效吗?


extern crate octh;

// https://thefullsnack.com/en/string-ffi-rust.html
use std::ffi::CString;

pub unsafe extern "C" fn Ghelloworld(
    shl: *const octh::root::octave::dynamic_library,
    relative: bool,
) -> *mut octh::root::octave_dld_function {
    let name = CString::new("helloworld").unwrap();
    let pname = name.as_ptr() as *const octh::root::std::string;

    let doc = CString::new("Hello World Help String").unwrap();
    let pdoc = doc.as_ptr() as *const octh::root::std::string;

    return octh::root::octave_dld_function_create(Some(Fhelloworld), shl, pname, pdoc);

pub unsafe extern "C" fn Fhelloworld(
    args: *const octh::root::octave_value_list,
    nargout: ::std::os::raw::c_int,
) -> octh::root::octave_value_list {
    let list: *mut octh::root::octave_value_list = ::std::ptr::null_mut();
    return *list;

I'm trying to create and return a C++ struct 我正在尝试创建并返回C ++结构

You cannot; 你不能; C++ (like Rust) does not have a stable, defined ABI. C ++(如Rust)没有稳定的已定义ABI。 There is no way in Rust to specify that a structure has repr(C++) , therefore you cannot create such a structure, much less return it. 在Rust中无法指定结构具有repr(C++) ,因此您不能创建这样的结构,更不用说返回它了。

The only stable ABI is the one presented by C. You can define structs as repr(C) to be able to return them directly: 唯一稳定的ABI是C提出的。您可以将结构定义为repr(C)以便能够直接返回它们:

extern crate libc;

use std::ptr;

pub struct ValueList {
    id: libc::int32_t,

pub extern "C" fn hello_world() -> ValueList {
    let list_ptr = ::std::ptr::null_mut();
    // untested, will cause segfault unless list_ptr is set
    unsafe { ptr::read(list_ptr) }

That method is highly suspicious though; 但是,该方法非常可疑。 normally you'd see it as 通常你会看到

pub extern "C" fn hello_world() -> ValueList {
    unsafe {
        let mut list = mem::uninitialized();
        list_initialize(&mut list);

See also: 也可以看看:

I encourage you to read my Rust FFI Omnibus . 我鼓励您阅读我的Rust FFI Omnibus

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