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[英]Finding equal values from a list of list of tuples in Python

After searching a lot without success I need help. 经过大量搜索没有成功,我需要帮助。

I have a list of list of tuples. 我有一个元组列表列表。 Each list inside the list of list represent certain numbers of formulas in my system. 列表列表中的每个列表代表我系统中的特定数量的公式。 Any element in this list is a tuple that represent the type of the element (variable, parameter, constant, an operation...) and the name of the element. 此列表中的任何元素都是一个元组,表示元素的类型(变量,参数,常量,操作...)和元素的名称。 For example for the formulas x1+x2+A1 , x1-x3 and sin(x2)+A1 we'll have: 例如,对于公式x1 + x2 + A1x1-x3sin(x2)+ A1,我们将:

[('VAR', 'x1'), ('PLUS', '+'), ('VAR', 'x2'), ('PLUS', '+'), ('PAR', 'A1')],
[('VAR', 'x1'), ('LESS', '-'), ('VAR', 'x3')],
[('SIN', 'sin'), ('VAR', 'x2'), ('PLUS', '+'), ('PAR', 'A1')]

I'm trying to determine in which formula each variable appear. 我正在尝试确定每个变量出现在哪个公式中。 In the example above I have that x1 variable is on 1 and 2 formula, x2 variable is on 1 and 3 formula and x3 in 2 formula, so my output will be something like: 在上面的例子中,我认为x1变量是1和2公式,x2变量是1和3公式,x3是2公式,所以我的输出将是这样的:

['x1', 1, 2],
['x2', 1, 3],
['x3', 2],

At the moment I have very inefficient code that doesn't work at all, but here it is: 目前我的代码非常低效,根本不起作用,但这里是:

cont = 0
for subL1 in L:
    for subL2 in L:
        if len(subL1) != 1 and len(subL2) != 1:
            if subL1 != subL2 and subL2:
                for x,y in subL1:
                    for z,t in subL2:
                        if (    x == 'VAR'
                            and z == 'VAR'
                            and y == t
                            print "Variable", y , "repeated"
            print "list with 1 lenght\n"
cont = cont + 1

You could use a collections.defaultdict to store the formulas (actually the indices inside your list of lists) for each variable: 您可以使用collections.defaultdict为每个变量存储公式(实际上是列表列表中的索引):

from collections import defaultdict

dd = defaultdict(set)              # use a set as factory so we don't keep duplicates
for idx, subl in enumerate(l, 1):  # iterate over the sublists with index starting at 1
    for subt in subl:              # iterate over each tuple in each sublist
        label, val = subt          # unpack the tuple
        if label == 'VAR':         # if it's a VAR save the index in the defaultdict

For example with: 例如:

l = [[('VAR', 'x1'), ('PLUS', '+'), ('VAR', 'x2'), ('PLUS', '+'), ('PAR', 'A1')],
     [('VAR', 'x1'), ('LESS', '-'), ('VAR', 'x3')],
     [('SIN', 'sin'), ('VAR', 'x2'), ('PLUS', '+'), ('PAR', 'A1')]

It gives: 它给:

# defaultdict(set, {'x1': {1, 2}, 'x2': {1, 3}, 'x3': {2}})

To get your desired output you only need to convert that to a list again, for example (python-3.x only): 要获得所需的输出,您只需要再次将其转换为列表,例如(仅限python-3.x):

>>> [[name, *sorted(formulas)] for name, formulas in sorted(dd.items())]
[['x1', 1, 2], ['x2', 1, 3], ['x3', 2]]
formula = [
[('VAR', 'x1'), ('PLUS', '+'), ('VAR', 'x2'), ('PLUS', '+'), ('PAR', 'A1')],
[('VAR', 'x1'), ('LESS', '-'), ('VAR', 'x3')],
[('SIN', 'sin'), ('VAR', 'x2'), ('PLUS', '+'), ('PAR', 'A1')]

variables = collections.defaultdict(set)
for line_no, line in enumerate(formula):
    for typ, value in line:
        if typ == 'VAR':

defaultdict(set, {'x1': {0, 1}, 'x2': {0, 2}, 'x3': {1}}) defaultdict(set,{'x1':{0,1},'x2':{0,2},'x3':{1}})

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