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控制台说元素为“ null”

[英]Console says element is “null”

I've started to create some kind of image slider but right at the beggining i've reached a problem 我已经开始创建某种图像滑块,但是刚开始时我遇到了一个问题

Console says that my img1 and others are "null".. 控制台说我的img1和其他人为“ null”。

Where's my mistake ? 我的错在哪里?

let img1 = document.querySelector('.images_first active');
let img2 = document.querySelector(".images_second");
let img3 = document.querySelector(".images_third");

const fw = document.querySelector(".test-button_forward");
const back = document.querySelector(".test-button_backwards");

let clicks = 0;

fw.addEventListener('click', function()



Full version is here 完整版本在这里

let img1 = document.querySelector('.images_first.active');

Your selector is incorrect. 您的选择器不正确。 .images_first active would select an element with tag name active that is a descendant of an element with class images_first . .images_first active将选择标签名称为 active的元素,该元素是images_first类的元素的后代 Ie it would find the inner element in this example: 即,它将在此示例中找到内部元素:

<div class="images_first">

However, what you actually seem to want is to find the element that has both classes, images_first and active . 但是,您实际上想要的是找到同时具有images_firstactive两个类的元素。 This is written as 这写成


Learn more about CSS selectors on MDN . 了解有关MDN上CSS选择器的更多信息

Related: Why does jQuery or a DOM method such as getElementById not find the element? 相关: 为什么jQuery或诸如getElementById之类的DOM方法找不到元素?

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