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[英]Changing Ionic Menu side dynamically

I'm trying to change the Ionic 3 Menu side dynamically once user changes the language.一旦用户更改语言,我就会尝试动态更改 Ionic 3 菜单端。 For RTL languages menu needs to be on the right, by default it's set on left.对于 RTL 语言菜单需要在右侧,默认设置在左侧。

I subscribe to TranslateService from @ngx-translate/core event when the language changes app.components.ts :当语言更改app.components.ts时,我从@ngx-translate/core事件订阅TranslateService

this.translate.onLangChange.subscribe((event: LangChangeEvent) => {
  console.info(`Language change to ${event.lang}`);
  this.isRTL = event.lang == 'ar' || event.lang == 'fa';

  if (event.lang == 'ar' || event.lang == 'fa') {
    this.platform.setDir('rtl', true);
    this.menuSide = 'right';
  } else {
    this.platform.setDir('ltr', true);
    this.menuSide = 'left';

  this.platform.setLang(event.lang, true);

The code above gets executed successfully when I the language gets changes and all the variables get set as expected (I've written unit tests to be sure and tons of console.logs while the app is running.)当我更改语言并且所有变量都按预期设置时,上面的代码会成功执行(我已经编写了单元测试,并在应用程序运行时编写了大量的 console.logs。)

In the template:在模板中:

<ion-menu [content]="content" [side]="isRTL?'right':'left'" side="{{menuSide}}">

However, even though the this.menuSide changes in the controller, it won't work as expected.但是,即使控制器中的this.menuSide发生变化,它也不会按预期工作。

It seems the side can be changed only before platform.ready() , once the platform.ready() is done, no matter what I set it won't take any effects.似乎只能在platform.ready()之前更改侧面,一旦platform.ready()完成,无论我设置什么都不会产生任何影响。

Edit :编辑

I've tried to use the method in https://stackoverflow.com/a/46417869/636136 but that didn't fix it too.我尝试使用https://stackoverflow.com/a/46417869/636136 中的方法,但这也没有解决。

If I just print menuSide in the template it would have the correct value on the screen, but doesn't have any effect on the menu direction.如果我只是在模板中打印menuSide ,它将在屏幕上显示正确的值,但对菜单方向没有任何影响。

I can change the "side" attribute on the menu element manually via browser element inspector and it will change the direction successfully, however using menuSide variable won't do the job.我可以通过浏览器元素检查器手动更改菜单元素上的“side”属性,它将成功更改方向,但是使用menuSide变量不会完成这项工作。

alternate solution, simple, smooth and works like a charm替代解决方案,简单,流畅,效果很好

In app.html在 app.html

  <ion-content class="ttct-app-side-menu-content">
      <button menuClose ion-item *ngFor="let page of menuPages" (click)="openPage(page)">


<ion-menu *ngIf="language === 'en'" type="overlay" side="right" [content]="content">
  <ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet="ttctSideMenuContent"></ng-container>

<ion-menu  *ngIf="language === 'ar'" type="overlay" side="left" [content]="content">
    <ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet="ttctSideMenuContent"></ng-container>

In app.component.ts在 app.component.ts

this.translateService.onLangChange.subscribe((event: LangChangeEvent) => {
      if(this.translateService.currentLang === 'en') {
        platform.setDir('ltr', true);
      } else {
        platform.setDir('rtl', true);
      platform.setLang(this.translateService.currentLang, true);
  changeLanguage(lang) {
    this.language = lang;

I was able to change the side of the ion-menu via HTMLElement directly.我能够直接通过HTMLElement更改ion-menu的一侧。 I know this is not recommended and it should be handled the way I was trying to make it work in the original question, but that's all I could come up with after trying so many different ways.我知道这是不推荐的,应该按照我在原始问题中尝试使其工作的方式进行处理,但这就是在尝试了这么多不同的方法后我所能想到的。

I believe the problem I have with ion-menu and its behavior on changing the side is a bug.我相信ion-menu的问题及其改变侧面的行为是一个错误。

Here's what I've changed to get it working.这是我为使其正常工作所做的更改。


export class MyApp {
  menuSide: string = "left";

  this.translate.onLangChange.subscribe((event: LangChangeEvent) => {
      console.info(`Language change to ${event.lang}`);
      let element: HTMLElement = document.getElementById("lovelyMenu");

      if (event.lang == 'ar' || event.lang == 'fa') {
        this.platform.setDir('rtl', true);
        this.menuSide = 'right';
      } else {
        this.platform.setDir('ltr', true);
        this.menuSide = 'left';

      element.setAttribute("side", this.menuSide);
      this.platform.setLang(event.lang, true);

app.html : app.html

<ion-menu [content]="content" [side]="menuSide" id="lovelyMenu">

Use property binding instead of interpolation .使用property binding而不是interpolation

ie [side]="menuSide"[side]="menuSide"

<ion-menu [content]="content" [side]="menuSide">

put SIDE key in json file for each lang like for example:将 SIDE 键放入每个 lang 的 json 文件中,例如:

ar.json ar.json

"SIDE" : "right", "SIDE" : "正确的",

and en.json和 en.json

"SIDE" : "left", "SIDE" : "左",

and then in html然后在 html 中

 <ion-menu [content]="content" side="{{'SIDE' | translate}}"

.... ....

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