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[英]Javascript function always return undefined

I have this vue2 code: 我有这个vue2代码:

checkUser2() {
    var returnValue;
          .then(response => {
              returnValue = response.data.error === 0;
          }, errorCallBack => {
              returnValue = false;
    return returnValue;

I call it with: 我称它为:

var a = this.checkUser2();

and it always returns undefined. 并且总是返回undefined。 What am I doing wrong? 我究竟做错了什么?

If you want to return the value from this method, then you will have to return the promise from the function and use a callback to capture the result on success. 如果要从此方法返回值,则必须从函数中返回promise ,并使用回调在成功时捕获结果。

checkUser2() {
    return axios.get(`api/users/CheckUsername/${this.username}`)
      .then(response => response.data.error === 0, errorCallBack => false);

And when you call it: 当您调用它时:

this.checkUser2().then(value => console.log(value))

我对vue2一无所知,但我确实知道axiosaxios工作,因此,由于您在promise之外返回returnValue ,因此您的函数正在返回returnValue的当前值,该值是undefined

It is because you are returning the value before the request was made. 这是因为您要在发出请求之前返回该值。 You need to make a Promise, and when it resolves, return the value. 您需要做出一个Promise,当它解决时,返回该值。

checkUser2() {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {

    var returnValue;
    .then(response => {
      returnValue = response.data.error === 0;
    }, errorCallBack => {
      returnValue = false;

Then you just need to call it like this to get the value: 然后,您只需要像这样调用它即可获取值:

this.checkUser2().then(val => {
 a = val;

Hope this helps you. 希望这对您有所帮助。

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