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[英]Knex.js on create-react-native-app

I am trying to use Knex.js ( http://knexjs.org/ ) to manage the SQLite database that comes with Expo ( https://docs.expo.io/versions/latest/sdk/sqlite.html .) When I import knex, it crashes because of some missing node.js packages like "events", "streams", "assert", etc. 我正在尝试使用Knex.js( http://knexjs.org/ )管理Expo( https://docs.expo.io/versions/latest/sdk/sqlite.html )附带的SQLite数据库。我导入knex,它由于缺少“事件”,“流”,“断言”等一些node.js包而崩溃。

So clearly it seems to think it is in a node.js environment which isn't what create-react-native-app provides by default. 所以很显然,它似乎认为它是在node.js环境中,而不是默认情况下create-react-native-app提供的。

I only need it to generate SQL query strings for a better development interface (compared to string manipulation and concatenation). 我只需要它来生成SQL查询字符串,以获得更好的开发接口(与字符串操作和串联相比)。

Has anyone got knex.js to work on create-react-native-app? 有没有人让knex.js可以使用create-react-native-app?

you won't be able to use it at all, so its not a matter of 'has anyone' done it yet. 您将根本无法使用它,因此这不是“是否有人”完成了。 You can't get a full node API environment in a ReactNative app. 您无法在ReactNative应用程序中获得完整的节点API环境。

You could pack query builder parts of knex ( .toNative() comes in knex 0.14) to your react app and then create queries like: 您可以将knex的查询构建器部分( .toNative() 0.14中的.toNative()附带)打包到您的react应用程序中,然后创建如下查询:

 knex('MyTable').where('id', 1).toSQL().toNative()

 // Will output 
 // {
 //    sql: 'select * from `MyTable` where `id` = ?',
 //    bindings: [1]
 // }

Knex documentation page is also using that way to render built queries in http://knexjs.org/ Knex文档页面也使用这种方式在http://knexjs.org/中呈现内置查询。

Probably you need to use webpack or something like that to build standalone version of knex. 可能您需要使用webpack或类似的东西来构建独立版本的knex。

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