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[英]AWS: imported SSL certificate not showing up in CloudFront

I had imported a SSL certificate into AWS long time ago. 我很久以前就把SSL证书导入了AWS。 It is currently installed on the ELB, and it is going to expire in 15 days. 它目前安装在ELB上,它将在15天后到期。 I am trying to get AWS to issue a new certificate but it is stuck waiting validation: 我正在尝试让AWS发布新证书,但它仍然等待验证:


Currently Route53 is pointing to the ELB. 目前Route53指向ELB。 If I enter " https://eyecloud.net.au " it works fine. 如果我输入“ https://eyecloud.net.au ”,它可以正常工作。

Now, I tried to create a CloudFront, so that I can redirect HTTP to HTTPS. 现在,我尝试创建一个CloudFront,以便我可以将HTTP重定向到HTTPS。 But the imported SSL certificate does not show up: 但导入的SSL证书未显示:


I deleted the ELB, and the imported certificate becomes not in use , but it still doesn't show up on CloudFront. 我删除了ELB,导入的证书没有被使用 ,但它仍未显示在CloudFront上。

There is no problem using a certificate with multiple endpoints, whether they're ELBs, ALBs, or Cloudfront distributions. 使用具有多个端点的证书没有问题,无论它们是ELB,ALB还是Cloudfront分发。

However, if you want to use an ACM cert for Cloudfront, the cert must be issued in us-east-1. 但是,如果要为Cloudfront使用ACM证书,则必须在us-east-1中颁发证书。

Note 注意

To use an ACM Certificate with CloudFront, you must request or import the certificate in the US East (N. Virginia) region. 要在CloudFront中使用ACM证书,您必须在美国东部(弗吉尼亚北部)地区申请或导入证书。

http://docs.aws.amazon.com/acm/latest/userguide/acm-services.html http://docs.aws.amazon.com/acm/latest/userguide/acm-services.html

I had a case where I already had an SSL certificate selected, and when I clicked on the dropdown it only showed the selected one. 我有一个案例,我已经选择了SSL证书,当我点击下拉列表时,它只显示了所选的一个。

Turns out that Amazon doesn't like UX because it is not a normal dropdown it is a "searchable" dropdown. 事实证明,亚马逊并不喜欢用户体验,因为这不是一个正常的下拉,而是一个“可搜索”的下拉。 Meaning if you have a certificate selected, it will only show that specific certificate because it is also searching it in the dropdown. 这意味着如果您选择了证书,它将仅显示该特定证书,因为它也在下拉列表中搜索它。

Clicking on it and deleting the name reveals the rest of the certificates. 单击它并删除名称将显示其余证书。

See below examples: 见下面的例子:


Where are my certificates? 我的证书在哪里?


Oh... 哦...



I have applied the same certificate to multiple endpoints or on multiple cloudfront distributions. 我已将相同的证书应用于多个端点或多个云端分发。

Also if you notice you cannot apply the cname to mutiple endpoints as well. 此外,如果您注意到您也无法将cname应用于多个端点。 You can use the cname it only in one place. 您只能在一个地方使用cname。

Only issue I have seen is your conversion from custom certificates to ACM certificate. 我遇到的唯一问题是您从自定义证书转换为ACM证书。 There could be a bug with that. 可能有一个错误。 You might need to file a support ticket to resolve the issue. 您可能需要提交支持票证才能解决问题。

Hope it helps. 希望能帮助到你。

My problem was, that I got generated a 4096 bit certificate, but Cloud Front only allows for 2048 bit certificates 我的问题是,我生成了4096位证书,但Cloud Front只允许2048位证书

CloudFront [...] with ACM support a maximum of 2048-bit RSA certificates 具有ACM的CloudFront [...]支持最多2048位RSA证书

I created my certificate with ZeroSSL and I didn't manage to create a 2048 bit one. 我使用ZeroSSL创建了我的证书, 我没有设法创建一个2048位的证书。 To do that, I installed Ubuntu on my Windows machine (needed to install the Windows Subsystem for Linux in the 'Turn Windows features on or off' section) and used Certbot for Ubuntu with this command to create a 2048 bit certificate while using dns validation: 为此,我在我的Windows机器安装了Ubuntu (需要在'打开或关闭Windows功能部分'中安装Windows子系统Linux)并使用Certbot for Ubuntu使用此命令在使用dns验证时创建2048位证书:

certbot -d yourdomain -d www.yourdomain --manual --preferred-challenges dns certonly

The 4096 bit certificate didn't show up, but the new 2048 bit certificate did, after deleting the contents of the drop-down menu, like stated by @Gopgop. 4096位证书没有显示,但是删除了下拉菜单中的内容后,新的2048位证书就像@Gopgop所说的那样。 You can see what kind of encryption rate your certificate has when importing the certificate into AWS Certificate Manager, on the review and import page, "Public key info". 您可以在审阅和导入页面“公钥信息”中查看将证书导入AWS Certificate Manager时证书的加密速率。 If you create a new certificate with ACM, that one automatically has a 2048 bit encryption and can be used right away in Cloud Front. 如果您使用ACM创建新证书,则该证书会自动具有2048位加密,并且可以立即在Cloud Front中使用。

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