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如果文件存在,SQL Server 备份到 URL 将失败

[英]SQL Server backup to URL fails if file exists

I am attempting to backup a database to my Azure Blob storage.我正在尝试将数据库备份到我的 Azure Blob 存储。 The databases are relatively large... between 1 and 30 Gig.数据库相对较大......在 1 到 30 Gig 之间。

I have successfully backed up the first day, but on subsequent days, I get an error stating that the file already exists and that I need to use the WITH FORMAT.我已经成功备份了第一天,但​​在随后的几天里,我收到一条错误消息,指出该文件已经存在,我需要使用 WITH FORMAT。

But I need to do a differential backup, as the load of data on a full backup would be very slow and pricey.但是我需要进行差异备份,因为完整备份上的数据负载会非常缓慢且昂贵。

I get the error "MyBackup.bak exists on the remote endpoint, and WITH FORMAT was not specified.".我收到错误“MyBackup.bak 存在于远程端点上,并且未指定 WITH FORMAT。”。

What I am trying to do is:我想做的是:

TO URL = 'https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/dbbackups/Container/', MyDatabase.bak', 
WITH CREDENTIAL = 'AzureDBBackupsContainer'

I have seen that a differential backup is supported when using URL backups.我已经看到使用 URL 备份时支持差异备份。

Is this actually not possible, or am I doing something wrong?这实际上是不可能的,还是我做错了什么?

It's correct in stopping you, because you need to keep the first full backup.阻止您是正确的,因为您需要保留第一个完整备份。 When you restore your database, you will当您恢复数据库时,您将

  • Restore from the full backup从完整备份恢复
  • Apply the differential backup应用差异备份

Your script should generate a unique name.您的脚本应该生成一个唯一的名称。 I do this by appending the date and time to the backup filename:我通过将日期和时间附加到备份文件名来做到这一点:

   @now DATETIME,
   @datePrefix VARCHAR(MAX),
   @timePart VARCHAR(MAX),
   @backupFileName VARCHAR(MAX),
   @fullUrl VARCHAR(MAX),
   @blobServiceEndpoint VARCHAR(MAX)

SET @now = GETDATE();
SET @datePrefix = CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), GETDATE(), 112);
SET @timePart = RIGHT('0' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(2), DATEPART(hh, @now)), 2) 
              + RIGHT('0' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(2), DATEPART(mi, @now)), 2)
              + RIGHT('0' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(2), DATEPART(ss, @now)), 2);
SET @backupFileName = 'MyDatabase_' + @datePrefix + @timePart + '.bak';
SET @blobServiceEndpoint = 'https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/';
SET @fullUrl = @blobServiceEndpoint + 'Container/' + @backupFileName;
    TO URL = @fullUrl
    WITH CREDENTIAL = 'AzureDBBackupsContainer'

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