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无法通过MySQL工作台连接到Azure MySQL

[英]Cant connect to Azure MySQL through MySQL workbench

I have set up an Azure SQL server and database. 我已经设置了Azure SQL服务器和数据库。 In the dashboard, I am selecting the SQL Database to copy the server name ( xxxxxx.database.windows.net ). 在仪表板中,我选择SQL数据库来复制服务器名称( xxxxxx.database.windows.net )。

I am creating a new connection in MySQL workbench and putting this servername as host. 我正在MySQL工作台中创建一个新连接,并将该服务器名作为主机。 The port I am putting is 1433. After entering username and password, I am testing the connection. 我输入的端口是1433。输入用户名和密码后,我正在测试连接。 I am getting the following error, as the connection is not getting established between my database/server on Azure and workbench. 我收到以下错误,因为在Azure和工作台上的数据库/服务器之间未建立连接。 The error is: 错误是:

Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading initial communication packet', system error:104

Any suggestions on making me understand why is it happening and how can the connection be made will be highly appreciated. 任何使我理解为什么会发生连接以及如何建立连接的建议都将受到高度赞赏。

Your post is confusing, are you using Azure SQL Database or Azure Database for MySQL? 您的帖子令人困惑,您使用的是Azure SQL数据库还是MySQL的Azure数据库? The name format "xxxxxx.database.windows.net" is for Azure SQL Database, which you should not use MySQL workbench to connect. 名称格式“ xxxxxx.database.windows.net”适用于Azure SQL数据库,您不应使用MySQL工作台进行连接。 I'd suggest you switch to SSMS and try again. 我建议您切换到SSMS,然后重试。

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